
Clinton, Trump claim first Super Tuesday victories

ERIC MILLER/REUTERS Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is hoping to win Minnesota, which would be his first win of the primary season.


The top quality voters in both Virginia and Georgia are looking for in a candidate is experience, according to early results of the exit poll. She addressed supporters at a rally in Florida and pledged to “work for every vote” going forward.

“After tonight, we have seen that our campaign is the only campaign that has beaten, that can beat and that will beat Donald Trump”, Cruz said.

Clinton took Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, while Trump won Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Virginia.

Mr Sanders led among voters aged under 30 and Mrs Clinton held a commanding lead among those aged 45 and over.

In Virginia, 74 percent of voters who identified as black said they would like the next president to continue Obama’s policies, while 17 percent said they wanted more liberal policies, according to NBC News. The Texas senator made the pitch for Republicans to join together for the greater good, without explicitly calling on specific candidates to drop out. This will open up a dropdown menu of all states which have primaries or caucuses on Super Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Trump on Tuesday brought his delegate count soaring upwards with no signs of slowing down.

Like Trump, Clinton has won three of the four early voting contests, including in SC on Saturday.

“I want to congratulate Ted on the winning of Texas”, Trump said. There are 595 Republican delegates at stake in 11 states on Super Tuesday. But Cruz’s loss in Arkansas, another state with a lot of evangelicals, suggests that his popularity with religious conservatives will only take him so far.

TRISH BADGER/REUTERS Sen. Ted Cruz is expected to win his home state of Texas.

Including superdelegates, Mrs Clinton now has at least 969 delegates, and Mr Sanders has at least 319.


Trump also scored wins in Alabama, Tennessee, and MA. Still, he has the resources to stay in the race through the last primaries in June, with his campaign announcing it had raised more than $41 million in February. Another 865 delegates are up for grabs on Super Tuesday. Democrats also have a contest in American Samoa and for Democrats Abroad.

US Elections Donald Trump got all presidential after his big Super Tuesday win