
Clinton: Trump Is Not “on the Side of the Little Guy”

The National Rifle Association’s news program for “the Second Amendment and other freedom-related issues” barely mentioned GOP nominee Donald Trump’s claim that “Second Amendment people” could do something about Hillary Clinton’s judicial nominations.


Clinton, who generally supports pro-trade policies, said the US needs to approach trade deals in a different manner. He then said there was no way people would be able to stop a President Clinton from stacking the Supreme Court with anti-gun justices, before adding, “Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is – I don’t know”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton boards a plane at Chicago Midway International Airport, in Chicago, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2016, to travel to Westchester, N.Y. Clinton gave a speech on the economy after touring Futuramic Tool & Engineering in Warren, Mich., and attended a fundraiser in Chicago. “This is not just about rolling up the score”. Because many of Trump’s real estate ventures are structured as partnerships, she said, he would “pay a lower rate than millions of middle-class families”.

Trump’s exercise in self-awareness is a marked departure from his usual tenor on the campaign trail, where for months at rallies he would tick through poll numbers showing him winning as if they were sports scores of his favorite team. Clinton touted her proposals to invest $275 billion in infrastructure, expand Social Security benefits, and enable debt-free college.

“I will stand up to China and anyone else who tries to take advantage of American workers and companies”, she said.

On his campaign trail, Trump has had a number of self-destructive stumbles that cast a long shadow over his White House run as they call into question if he is presidential. Her plan is not Republican or conservative in any way.

Democrats said such comments were further evidence that Trump was undisciplined and unprepared for the presidency.

Moody’s previously said Clinton’s plan would make the economy “somewhat stronger” while Trump’s could lead to a lengthy recession.

It’s now more important than ever that the country and President Obama hear specifically from Secretary Clinton that a vote on the job-killing TPP during a lame duck session of Congress must not happen. Those concerns are compelling enough that dozens of anxious Republicans gathered signatures Thursday for a letter urging the GOP chairman to stop helping Trump and focus on protecting vulnerable House and Senate candidates.

However, his remarks were quickly eclipsed by the latest in a series of controversial statements which Mr Trump has spent much of the past two weeks trying to clarify. “At the same time, they can’t turn to Donald Trump because he scares them”.

Today, many of these voters are upset with those anti-Trump Republicans who refuse to unite the party and instead support Mrs. Clinton.


Only one believed Trump would actually win.

Hillary Clinton paid an effective federal tax rate of 34.2% last year according to a tax filing