
Clinton: Trump is the most risky man to ever run for president

So far, Hillary Clinton has not convincingly denied this.


Members of the NY delegation cheer for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the roll call at the Republican National Convention, Tuesday, July 19, 2016, in Cleveland. “Lots of sound and fury – even a fog machine”, Clinton told 6,000 people at the convention of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees in Las Vegas. That represents nearly no change for either Clinton or Trump, but a 4-point bump for Johnson.

One only hope that both the Presidential candidates would understand such widespread world view about the quality of the campaign so far and settle down for more proactive and civilized style in conducting their campaign in the days to come, so that the campaign that was until recently carried out may be overlooked as an aberration that do not reflect the ground conditions in USA.

“There are a lot of undercover Trump voters, and a lot of them are female”, KellyAnne Conway, a pollster and strategist who supported Texas Sen.

While Trump has such record, his opponents in the Republican party and in other spheres conducted themselves no better.

Still, the goal of the night was to focus on Hillary Clinton while taking the focus off Donald Trump, and it did that.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton described the first night of the Republican National Convention as “surreal”, telling supporters at a Las Vegas campaign stop yesterday the event resembled the movie “The Wizard of Oz”. “She said that she did not email any classified information”. But she knows her mother is a fighter.

The 70-year-old real estate tycoon said US President Barack Obama must be regretting his decision of putting Clinton in charge of America’s foreign policy.

But Trump remains more trusted on the two issues atop voters’ priority lists: The economy and terrorism. He holds his widest edge over Clinton on handling ISIS and also holds an edge on handling taxes. Voters are also more likely to see Trump as honest in what he says (49% say so vs. 41% for Clinton). Donald Jr. tried to explain the Benghazi story and the crowd was back to saying “lock her up!” before he’d exactly explained it.

“She fights for the wrong people, she never fights for us”, he said.

Trump’s newly minted running mate, Pence, receives a tepid welcome to the race: 43% say he’s an excellent or pretty good pick, below the majorities who said so in initial surveys following the announcement of Paul Ryan in 2012, Sarah Palin in 2008 or Dick Cheney in 2000.

At the Republican National Convention on Tuesday night, Chris Christie declared, “Tonight, as a former federal prosecutor, I welcome the opportunity to hold [Clinton] accountable for her performance and her character”.

“His better bet is to try to get them to focus on something else”, he said.

“I don’t know what the dynamic is that’s going on within the Trump household right now, but I know Melania very well”, Christie said.

Trump said he would speedily address the violence that has dominated headlines, such as the shooting deaths of five Dallas police officers earlier this month.


She said the Republican presidential nominee “may claim he is on the side of working people but his actions say otherwise”, citing jobs losses at his bankrupted Atlantic City casinos.

Members of the New York delegation cheer for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the roll call at the Republican National Convention Tuesday