
Clinton: Trump not qualified to be president

“Elizabeth is more focused on the day-to-day policy battles than Bernie is, but yet she will inherit, I think, the political power that Bernie woke up out in the country”, an anonymous Warren confidant told the Times.


And, assuming Clinton wins the nod, Warren might be able to work together with Sanders on key issues as the party tries to fix a rift caused by the contentious primary season.

The Democratic presidential front-runner unleashed her sharpest attacks yet on Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, in an exclusive interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo in Park Ridge, Illinois.

A Rasmussen poll released at the beginning of the month showed Trump leading Clinton by two points.

In recent weeks she has subtly made the case as to why he should consider it, specifically by comparing her 2008 campaign against Barack Obama to her race against Sanders now.

During an interview on CNN on Thursday, the essentially called the primary race over. When super-delegates – unbound delegates who are free to switch their support – are taken into account, Clinton needs just 90 more delegates to clinch the nomination.

Sanders’ delegates are threatening to disrupt the Democratic National Convention to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this summer unless new selection rules are adopted.

In some of the strongest language she has used since declaring her presidential bid a year ago, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton signaled that she is ready to move past Bernie Sanders and take on presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump this fall.

“She’s married to a man who hurt many women”, Trump said. “She is very doing everything she can to help get the party to unite for November”, Shaheen said.

After campaigning for Obama, he in turn asked her to serve as his first secretary of state, a role she initially refused, the story goes, and eventually accepted. “So when you say you’re going to bar all Muslims, you’re sending evidence to the Muslim world, and you’re also sending a message to terrorist”. “She’s trying. I think she’s an honest broker”.

“I will be the nominee for my party”, she said, bluntly.


Clinton’s critique came shortly after Trump claimed her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was accused of rape, pointing to an allegation that surfaced in 1999 and was publicly denied.

Clinton says she will be Democratic presidential nominee