
Clinton, Trump take gloves off in White House slog

Despite her decades on the public stage, many know Ms Clinton as much from Republican attacks as her resume, a fact Ms Clinton confronted head-on: “I get it that some people just don’t know what to make of me, so let me tell you”.


She promises to focus on parts of the country that have been “left out and left behind” – constituencies where declining living standards, fears about safety, drug use and lost jobs have fuelled support for Trump.

Dozens of U.S. expats in Mexico City gathered at the capital’s American Legion bar on Thursday (July 28) to watch Hillary Clinton accept the Democratic presidential nomination.

Polling data suggests 11 states could determine the next president: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Speaker after speaker cast Trump as intolerant, inexperienced and risky, including the Pakistani-immigrant father of a Muslim American soldier killed in Iraq, who waved the Constitution and remarked that Trump “has sacrificed nothing”.

In her first Presidential campaign in 2008, Hillary Clinton said that she wanted to lift the cap on the number of H-1B Visas that are issued each year.

Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are hitting the road Friday as the Democratic Party’s official White House ticket, launching a three-day bus tour through Pennsylvania and OH to highlight their economic vision.

“‘Little’ Michael Bloomberg, who never had the guts to run for president, knows nothing about me”. “I wouldn’t say he’s exciting and I don’t think too many people have heard of him, so we have to learn who he is”.

Mrs Clinton is playing up economic opportunity, diversity and national security.

It ends with a voice over from Trump, saying that he approves this message.

If she’s elected in November, Clinton will join German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Theresa May in a troika of women holding the reins of three of the world’s most powerful countries.

Democrats contrasted their optimistic message with the more troubled vision of the state of the nation presented by Trump and others at the GOP convention a week earlier. “I’m starting to agree with you”, Trump said at a town hall meeting in Colorado Springs, where his supporters were chanting “lock her up” in reference to Hillary.

This was a convention in which the word “we” was invoked by speaker after speaker, from President Obama to the Rev. William Barber, as a talisman and a commitment. Kaine told CNN he found the Republican gathering “dark and depressing'”.

“It wasn’t a tour of this country”, Kaine said. Kaine said as he introduced Clinton.

Meanwhile, Trump, whose often insulting rhetoric has become a trademark, said he was “taking the gloves off” and would no longer be a self-described “nice guy” when dealing with Clinton.

The convention provided hours of glowing tributes to Clinton, including deeply personal testimonials from her husband, daughter Chelsea Clinton and Obama.

She said she had “a really late night” after her speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.

And Clinton offered an open hand to backers of Vermont Sen. A separate pre-convention controversy over hacked Democratic Party emails showing favoritism for Clinton in the primary threatens to deepen the perception that Clinton prefers to play by her own rules. “Your cause is our cause”.


The Democratic convention was “about loving America”, said prominent conservative writer Jonah Goldberg, “the Republican convention was about loving Trump”.

Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton latest polls: Did race for White House change after DNC?