
Clinton, Trump tied in Florida

You actually have to know what you are talking about and you actually have to have done your homework. Clinton is leading in North Carolina, and in Pennsylvania by five points. “It’s the reason we were watching, and now because Matt Lauer spent so much time on his questions about emails, the actual questions from the actual veterans about the actual Commander-in-Chief-ing gets reduced to a speed date”.


Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump has diminished in three key swing states, and the Republican presidential nominee has overtaken her in one other, according to a new poll of battleground states released Thursday – another sign that the 2016 race for the White House is tightening.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump once famously said he could shoot someone on New York’s Fifth Avenue and not lose voters. Even before Wednesday’s forum, which was watched by 14.7 million people, the role of moderators as fact-checkers was being talked about after Fox News’ Chris Wallace, who will be in charge of the third presidential debate on October 19, said in an interview that “I don’t believe my job is to be a truth squad”.

However, Clinton turned the “woman card” into a campaign tool, hitting back at Trump, saying: “If fighting for women’s healthcare and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in”. “Far more than our president has been a leader”.

Clinton characterized these comments as “unpatriotic” Thursday morning.

Trevor Noah is appalled at Matt Lauer’s performance during the this week’s “Commander-in-Chief Forum” with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Trump responded, “Yeah, I guess so”.

“That’s her campaign”, Kristol said. She has nothing else going.

Lauer asked Mr Trump whether he would ask the same generals to devise an IS plan as those he had previously criticised for knowing less than him about the militant group. On Thursday, Esquire appended an editor’s note to the piece noting that the Iraq War began in March 2003, more than a year before the article ran, “thus nullifying Trump’s timeline”.

“What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?”

Noah took particular issue with how Lauer focused on Clinton’s email scandal in lieu of asking questions about her foreign policy strategies.


Retired Maj. Gen. Peter Cooke, of the United States Air Force, is among those backing Clinton.

Libertarian Gary Johnson gets 8 percent in Quinnipiac's new Florida poll