
Clinton, Trump Trade Jabs as 2016 Front-Runners

That delay, the Globe reported, contributed to Clinton not making it back to the stage in time for the resumption of the broadcast. “I think she just demonstrated a much more expansive knowledge of the region, had much clearer ideas about what to do in the region”. She made it up.


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In the same report, the Alaska Democratic Party said it transferred an equal amount of money, $43,500, to the Democratic National Committee – a move that, while legal, helps to effectively “obliterate” federal limits on donations to the national committee, according to one campaign finance expert.

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US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event at the Veterans Memorial Building in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on December 19, 2015.

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Odessa SWAT, Odessa Crisis Negotiation, DPS, Texas Rangers and Federal Bureau of Investigation have responded to the scene. The two Odessa Police officers injured in Wednesday’s shooting are recovering. (Jacob Ford/Odessa American via AP).

The former first lady apologized to the live television audience Saturday for returning to the Manchester, New Hampshire stage late with just a simple “sorry”. For some reason, ABC returned from commercial break before all of the candidates were accounted for, and it wasn’t until a meteorologist-looking moderator started asking a question that Hillary finally deigned to join everyone else. Aren’t you anxious about the republicans?

“On a lot of issues, I think that I have staked out a progressive set of policies that go way back to before my time in elected office”, Clinton said. Marco Rubio of Florida said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation”, referring to the killing of 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif. “He wanted to get back in the headlines”. In the article, David Phillips, a program director at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights, is quoted as saying, “Trump’s incendiary anti-Muslim comments will surely be used by ISIS social media to demonize the United States and attract recruits”. The incident, as well as earlier attacks in Paris, pushed national security to the forefront of the 2016 White House race.

J.M. Berger, a Brookings Institution fellow and coauthor of the recent book, “ISIS: The State of Terror”, told Business Insider that he isn’t aware of any ISIS videos featuring Trump.

Don’t be too surprised if Team Clinton continued, with varying degrees of subtlety, to poke the Trump Bear with a stick, seeing what kind of outbursts they can create.

She’s right, of course; it’s the only truly interesting thing that happened during the debate. A huge lead nationally.

And Clinton, in what could have been a veiled message to early state Democratic activists, focused her closing statement on her ties to the party, playing the role of uniter against the GOP field while also providing a subtle reminder that Sanders has identified as an independent in Vermont. She’s the most seasoned debater in either party, and while the Republicans are clearly more entertaining (repugnantly so), she’s already auditioning her general election material. Results for the full sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. Sanders has always led in New Hampshire with polling average showing him up but 51-43 over the last seven polls.

Sanders’ decision against escalating the verbal warfare against Clinton as his strategists did before the debate paralleled his refusal in their first debate to make an issue of the controversy over her use of a private email server while Secretary of State and the resulting Justice Department investigation. He absolutely was. In fact, if you take a look at the extraordinary graphic, of how many times the various continues can candidates were mentioned, this graphic is incorrect.

That shift persisted throughout the debate, as Sanders focused less on Wall Street (nine mentions, down from 16 in the last debate) and more on the Islamic State (16 mentions, up from four).

Sharp contrasts with the Republican candidates were drawn by the three Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Sen.


“It’s absolutely wrong policy for us to be even imagining we’re going to end up putting tens of thousands of American troops into Syria and Iraq to fight ISIS”.

Sanders Dec