
Clinton, Trump war of words escalates as race narrows

“It is time to break with the bitter failures of the past and to embrace a new American future”. Their big poll came out today that Trump is winning.


The Union League of Philadelphia has roughly 3,000 members, according to the Associated Press, and began in 1862 in support of President Abraham Lincoln and the Union.

The appearances mark an intense, two-day focus on national security by Trump, who has offered tough rhetoric on the nation’s challenges overseas but few details.

The United States now spends more than $600 billion a year on the military, more than the next seven countries combined.

Hillary Clinton is still ahead in the swing states, but her margins are narrowing.

The two November 8 election opponents are to make back-to-back appearances at the NBC Commander-in-Chief Forum in NY, airing on MSNBC at 8 p.m. Clinton will appear first, followed by Trump. “They view him as a danger and a risk.”.

And without mentioning Trump’s rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton, the paper made clear it would not be getting behind Trump’s movement.

Though the editorial acknowledges Clinton’s “real shortcomings”-particularly her “poor judgment” regarding the use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state-Clinton “is the candidate more likely to keep our nation safe, to protect American ideals, and to work across the aisle to uphold the vital domestic institutions that rely on a competent, experienced president”.

Both candidates will address national security issues at a forum in New York City scheduled for Wednesday night. While they will appear separately and not be on stage at the same time, it could serve as a warm-up to their highly-anticipated first presidential debate on September 26 in NY.

Trump will deliver another speech Wednesday evening, at the convention of New York’s Conservative Party.

The Trump campaign did not indicate how Trump would bypass sequestration cuts to the military, a provision of the Budget Control Act of 2011, which automatically went into effect in 2013, after Congress failed to pass a budget. The majority of Texan’s haven’t voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1976.

Under the leadership of Trump, the U.S. would be unrecognisable to the rest of the world and would be far less safe, Senator Tim Kaine, the vice presidential candidate of the Democratic party alleged.

In his roughly 45-minute remarks, Kaine said Trump has a “bizarre fascination” with dictators, is disrespectful of the American military and unable to grasp basic facts about American relationships with Russia, Latin and South America and the Middle East.

Certainly, appearing more “presidential” -even tempered and more balanced-will be important for Trump to reach out to this group. As for national defense, the editorial calls Trump an isolationist who “put sound bites over sound policy”.

Meanwhile, Clintons campaign released a new television ad entitled, “Sacrifice, ” that shows military veterans watching some of the NY businessmans more provocative statements.

Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 19 points – 55 percent to 36 percent – among voters who are now serving or have previously served in the USA military, according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll.

But questions remain, even in his party.


Clinton said that “a man who is so wrong about our veterans isn’t right to serve as commander in chief”. “I plan to vote for Hillary at the top of the ticket and then vote R all the way down because I am a Republican, I don’t believe that Donald Trump is”, said Sarver.

Trump and Clinton turn to battleground states in the South