
Clinton Up 3 Over Trump

As for Sanders’ next move, after his senate term ends in 2018, he said he plans to run for reelection in Vermont.


“Tonight, we’ve reached a milestone in our nation’s march toward a more ideal union: the first time that a major party has nominated a woman for president”, Hillary Clinton said to a roar of applause at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

“He’s taken the Republican Party a long way, from “Morning in America” to ‘Midnight in America, ‘” Clinton said.

Hillary Clinton came out swinging at rival Donald Trump during her acceptance speech at the Democratic national convention in the United States city of Philadelphia.

Clinton said Thursday that Trump wants Americans to fear the future and each other. And she recognised the historic nature of the moment: “When there are no ceilings, the sky is the limit”.

But she spoke first of her hopes for the country and how her vision and approach to governing contrasted so sharply with her opponent’s divisive, angry and self-centered campaign. Tim Kaine on a bus-tour through OH and Pennsylvania. Making the election about Trump doesn’t seem like the worst campaign strategy for a number of reasons, especially because Trump is such a volatile candidate. Voters in this study across eleven battleground states had been interviewed previously, and Clinton gained with Democrats who’d been undecided before the convention, plus some other voters who’d been unsure, but virtually no one is vacillating back and forth directly between Trump and Clinton.

The former secretary of state, in wrapping up her four-day convention, acknowledged the gravity of the moment. “I will gladly lend you my copy”. Let me ask you, have you even read the U.S. Constitution? A new Trump ad says the billionaire businessman offers “change that makes America great again” – while Clinton-Kaine say he’s offering “empty promises”.

“Don’t believe anyone who says: ‘I alone can fix it.’ Those were actually Donald Trump’s words in Cleveland”.

As his wife Hillary Clinton was busy shattering the glass ceiling of USA party politics, former president Bill appeared to get some shut-eye during the final night of the Democratic National Convention.

Sanders supporters on Thursday wore fluorescent green T-shirts that said “Enough is Enough”.

DW’s Richard Walker had noticed earlier there were plenty of Bernie Sanders supporters in the room, eager to make a statement.

With chants of “Hell no DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary” and “Lock her up”, the protesters made it clear they would not be casting their votes for Hillary Clinton. “Your cause is our cause”.

And in a bold admission for a candidate seeking to build on President Barak Obama’s policies, she said the economy “is not yet working the way it should”.

“There are no guarantees”, Clinton said, that political contests turn out for the best.

And the Republican nominee is certain to continue his sharp attacks on Clinton – whether calling her crooked or corrupt.


Clinton said it would be her “primary mission” to create more opportunities and more good jobs with rising wages, and to confront stark choices in battling determined enemies and “threats and turbulence” around the world and at home.

Khizr Khan father of fallen US Army Capt. Humayun S. M. Khan and his wife Ghazala speak during the final day of the Democratic National Convention