
Clinton urges candidates to present ‘credible’ economic plan

Opinion polls heading into the voting had shown Trump leading in most of the 12 states up for grabs, raising the possibility of a big night that would intensify worries among Republican leaders who fear the billionaire could inflict long-term damage on the party. For Clinton, it was a profound mistake that helped make it impossible to overtake Obama in the epic fight for delegates. He gained 319 delegates and now has a commanding lead in the Republican field.


U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has rallied younger voters in his bid to challenge the party establishment, won four states, including his home state of Vermont. Including superdelegates, Clinton now has at least 536 delegates, according to AP’s count.

It would be one thing to ask if the spirit of election law is violated by having the very famous husband of one candidate, who happens to be a former President himself, hanging around inside the polling place, even if he did nothing more than engage in idle chit-chat with voters. Better a Democratic maverick who says what he means than a ruthless Democratic chameleon whose word can’t be trusted.

With Super Tuesday cementing her status as her party’s standard bearer, though, her campaign has begun to draw up a plan to defeat Mr Trump in November.

MARCH 1, dubbed “Super Tuesday” by Americans, saw the two top contenders for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations take commanding leads in their respective races.

Clinton is likely to win in Louisiana. “I think we’re really going to be able to compete”. Earlier this week, Sanders’ campaign sent out an email with the subject line “Hillary Clinton: Outsourcer-in-Chief” emphasizing Clinton’s support for trade deals.

“We want to expand and build off of that”, Fallon said.

Weaver looked to downplay Tuesday’s primary results and Clinton’s large-margin victories in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, and her narrow victory in MA. He would have to win 59 percent of the remaining delegates – including superdelegates – to claim the nomination. “But I don’t think we can answer that question by re-fighting battles from 20 years ago”, Clinton said in a nod to the fact she backed the North American Free Trade Agreement, a trade deal that Sanders has cited to attack the former first lady.

Fox News Channel, where politically conservative commentators and hosts frequently appear throughout the day, was not chosen by the Democratic National Committee to air any of the party’s primary debates.

Sanders aides recognize the problems they face going forward.

On Feb. 9, 2016, at the New Hampshire primary, Sanders earned 15 pledged delegates and Clinton earned 9, based on the percentage of votes they received. “I would think the majority of them are Sanders supporters”.

More important than the latest tally are growing indications that electorate is shifting, maybe even dramatically, on both sides. “If we elect Donald Trump, all of Obama’s hard work will be wiped out”, she said via Capital New York.


And it needs a court that will reverse the decision that effectively ended campaign finance controls and opened political campaigns to virtually unlimited and anonymous funding and influence, Clinton said.

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton embraces her husband former U.S. president Bill Clinton during a caucus day event at Caesers Palace