
Clinton vows to defeat Islamic State if elected

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (L) and her husband and former President Bill Clinton share a moment on stage during the Central Iowa Democrats fall barbecue November 15, 2015, at Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center of Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.


She said she’d ask Bill about the economy and how to handle hard people, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.

But she says he’d be a “great host” and “good adviser”.

The State Department said Friday it can’t find emails belonging to a former department employee who helped set up and maintain Hillary Clinton’s private email server when she was secretary of state. And because he is “vegan-ish” — he eats fish but not meat or dairy — she said “he might have useful information about menus” for vegan guests.

Clinton reiterated she would not send American ground troops to the region if elected president, saying it was “not smart” and is what terrorists would want to happen.

Hillary points out that Bill has been instrumental in some sensitive global incidents, like bringing home captured journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling in 2009, so she greatly values his input.

‘And that was a little awkward, I’m secretary of state, ‘ she said.


GOP presidential aspirant Donald Trump’s proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the no laughing matter for Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. He’s giving them a great propaganda tool, a way to recruit more folks from Europe and the United States. ‘Go down, public tours, “hey let me show you what I think is neat about the White House’. One of the most important things we do right now is to get the Republicans to pass a law prohibiting people who are on the no-fly list from buying a gun in our country”, she said.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign event at the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame in Tulsa Okla. Friday Dec. 11 2015