
Clinton widens lead over Trump in three battleground states, poll shows

By the time it’s done, the whole nation may feel like it needs a shower.


As Donald Trump struggles through a second week of self-inflicted stumbles, the Democratic nominee’s campaign has started to push into Republican territory by courting some of the party’s core supporters and expanding her campaign’s operations into traditionally red states. Any of these premises can be wrong, but I think they’re sound.

The logical result is not pretty. “Trump must pound this home in MI and OH and he might win both states”. John McCain’s favorite sayings: “It’s always darkest before it’s totally black”. “He was the most valuable player”, Trump said, adding that Clinton also deserved the MVP award. “The minute she lets Trump up, it will be a very bad day”.

Clinton had held a 44 percent to 38 percent lead in North Carolina, a 44 percent to 35 percent lead in Virginia, and a 43 percent to 35 percent lead in Colorado. And in North Carolina as well, the same jump from 7 to 9. In some of those polls, she’s leading by double digits (by 14 in Colorado and 13 in Virginia, according to new NBC News/Marist College polls).

At the evangelical summit in Orlando, Trump beseeched religious leaders to persuade their followers to show up to vote for him, gently chiding evangelicals for failing to vote in large enough numbers for GOP nominee Mitt Romney in 2012. “Whereas on the Trump side, it’s what insane thing did he say today and the response to that”. It is also an especially salient topic in manufacturing-heavy MI, where Clinton lost a primary fight to Sanders, in no small part due to voter opposition to trade agreements. The 22 electoral votes she gets from them means she doesn’t need to worry about Ohio’s 18. But I’m afraid they will. How to fix the daily cuppa of secret brew for the two aspiring occupants of the White House who call each other “nuts” “unfit” to be their new masters? “I love the poorly educated”, he said in February.

Clinton’s most significant remarks, however, were on worldwide trade, an issue on which Trump has relentlessly attacked her as an unreliable guardian of American workers’ interests.

A new poll showed Trump, whose unfiltered speaking style has repeatedly landed him in hot water, losing ground in three crucial states ahead of the November 8 general election against Clinton. If you’re still entertaining the theory that the polls are uniformly skewed against Trump, consider the fact that even a survey sponsored by an outlet that’s famously favorable to him is seeing a jump ball in what’s supposed to be a reliably red state. Sorry, that was a rhetorical question.

Clinton said Thursday that Trump “may talk a big game on trade, but his approach is based on fear, not strength”. “We want to see the pay-for-play emails that Clinton’s Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, refuses to turn over”, Miller said.


Some Republicans will be under increasing pressure, either from their constituents or their consciences, to distance themselves from Trump and rescind their endorsements. Surely by lashing out, which is how he deals with any perceived slight. Thanks to Trump, it promises instead to be an unedifying brawl with kicking, biting and gouging allowed.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reacts while greeting supporters after giving a speech on the economy at Futuramic Tool & Engineering in Warren Mich. Aug. 11 2016./VOA CREDIT