
Clinton widens lead over Trump to 8 points

“All my life, I have been told, ‘You have the greatest temperament, ‘” Trump said Friday in Des Moines.


When paired with their respective running mates, the same poll found that 47 percent of registered voters favor Clinton and Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine while 38 percent support the GOP ticket with Trump and running mate Mike Pence.

The Republican presidential candidate has become ensnared in a feud with an unlikely target – the Gold Star family of an American Muslim soldier who died fighting in Iraq.

Trump, in recent days, however, has sought to refocus. “It’s a badge of honor when Jorge Ramos gets thrown out of press conference for challenging Donald Trump”.

“But there really are so many that are really talented people – like you, you’re so talented, but I don’t know if your viewers know that”, he said.

But that doesn’t mean people particularly like Clinton, as the candidate has been embroiled in scandals for her entire three-decade political career, and a fresh spate of controversy over the use of a private email account while she was secretary of state continues to dog her. Clinton told NY magazine months ago that she had become addicted to mystery novels: “I like a lot of women authors, novels about women, mysteries where a woman is the protagonist”. We’re collecting a lot of money.

“We could see 10 million more voters go to the polls this year than in 2012, a prediction made, in part, based on turnout patterns in the past two open-seat contests, 2000 and 2008”.

Twelve percent of respondents picked other candidates, and four percent said they they’re undecided, according to the Rasmussen Aug. 1 to Aug. 2 poll of 1,000 likely voters, says a company statement Aug. 4.

Trump’s latest barrage of attacks against Clinton – while not a departure from his brand of personal and aggressive attacks against his opponents – did mark an escalation in his attacks, just as Clinton and her allies are stepping up their attacks against Trump.

“She’s a liar. She is a terrible, awful human being”, Trump told a crowd of supporters gathered in a sweltering New Hampshire high school gym.

The Democratic convention also showed extremism when Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, proudly shouted out about her abortion to a cheering crowd and loud applause. “Donald Trump continues to harness a message of hate that excludes minorities and celebrates intolerance”.

Both Trump and Clinton should recognize that if they continue to fail to impress, then Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson could gain the polling percentages necessary to qualify for the debates. Ted Cruz before going on to secure his party’s presidential nomination last month in Cleveland.

As for the rest, 27 percent think she showed poor judgment but did not break the law, and 8 percent say she did nothing wrong at all.

Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, was invited to speak to the convention but declined, organizers said. He introduced himself as “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order”.


When Trump declared that Clinton was “a liar” and “a awful, terrible human being” who wasn’t fit to serve in the White House, one man in the crowd started barking like a dog.

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