
Clinton Wins Historic Nomination With A Boost From Sanders

Has Clinton always wanted to be president? “Let’s break the glass ceiling”.


He closed the second night of the Democratic convention, a jubilant celebration of Hillary Clinton’s formal nomination for president.

Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, portrayed her in a speech to the convention as a dynamic force for change as he made a case for her White House bid.

But Wednesday morning, Clinton’s rival touched off a firestorm with his call for Russian Federation to launch a cyberattack on Clinton’s emails.

According to Lewis, Donald Trump’s foreign policy approach is “dangerous for the United States and because it’s unsafe for the United States, it’s risky for Israel”.

“She is still the best darn change maker I have ever known, ” he said.

He then talked about their first conversation, “I was so impressed and surprised that, whether you believe it or not, I was momentarily speechless”.

The suggestion appeared to be an off-the-cuff riff. It drew swift condemnation from the Clinton campaign. The first African American president will deliver his speech the day after the first woman was nominated by a major political party. “The fact is, he has already done damage, just by running for president”. And in politics, that matters.

Mr Sanders later took centre stage as the final speaker on the first night and directly told his supporters that “Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States”.

Bill Clinton wisely began his speech by telling the oft-told tale of how he met Hillary Rodham after staring at her in the Yale Law School library, leaving him “speechless”.

Clinton noted that his wife accepted the nation’s top diplomatic post only after losing a bitter Democratic primary contest to Obama in 2008.

While it was a moment of triumph for Clinton, it was also a time for pride in defeat for Sanders.

NY elected her to the seat once held by another outsider, Robert Kennedy.

On Tuesday, dozens of pro-Sanders delegates and voters stormed the media center of the convention and staged a sit-in with signs saying “Stop her” and “Bernie or Bust”.

“Executive-style leadership is much more a male model of leadership where a man is seen as decisive and able to take tough unilateral decisions”, she added. Instead, he ran through a seemingly endless list of states where his wife had helped young inmates, poor students and mothers, and, yes, a Bill Clinton humiliated by a brutal election defeat and eventual comeback. He also backed an increase to the minimum wage to $10 per hour.

Sections of the convention hall were left conspicuously unpopulated as delegates from strongly pro-Sanders delegations, including California, walked out after Sanders moved that Clinton be named the nominee. Some had covered their mouths with duct tape, to illustrate that they felt they had been silenced by the DNC. But a teary Sanders acknowledged the end. “As of yesterday, I guess, officially our campaign ended”. Sanders made the move as Vermont was the last state of the roll call.

The 68-year-old former secretary of state, who enjoys near universal name recognition after nearly a four-decade public life, easily exceeded the 2,383-delegate threshold needed to clinch the nomination during a roll call vote by delegates at the convention.


Though largely ceremonial, the nomination underlines an historic step, coming 96 years after the Constitution was amended to guarantee women the right to vote. Speaking from NY on a video screen in the arena, Clinton said “we’ve put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet”.

Michelle Obama on Hillary Clinton: 'I'm with her.'