
Clinton wins rival’s backing over email scandal

“If we are a free country we have to be free, ” says Sanders. “It’s a huge national security failing”.


Is this Martin O’Malley’s last chance? The aggregate amount approved for the year ending March 2015 was $50.5 billion.

Edward Snowden: Hero or traitor?

Taught literature at the United States Naval Academy. And he said he doesn’t want a repeat in Syria, where “you’re talking about a quagmire in a quagmire”. “Let’s talk about the real issues”.

“Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work”, a campaign aide reportedly confided. Clinton said she was not ready to take a position on legalizing marijuana during the debate, but she said she supports medical marijuana and wants more research on the topic.

She said when she served as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state, she had hoped the Pacific Rim trade agreement would be “the gold standard”, but in the end she said “it didn’t meet my standard”.

“We haven’t finish all of the analysis”, Clinton told the Commonwealth Club in October 2010. “He valued my judgment”, she said, adding that she spent a lot of time in the Situation Room. But like Fiorina debating Jim Gilmore and company, this came across as a polished professional among amateurs, even though everyone on both stages was actually accomplished.

Those moves have fueled lingering concerns among the Democratic party base-and Sanders’ insurgent campaign.

While the Republican primary has been roiled by the emotional debate over immigration, the Democratic candidates were largely united in their call for providing a path to legal status for the millions of people now in the US illegally.

Laura Mikytuck, media relations coordinator of Mid-Missourians for Bernie, said local events have included two door-to door canvases, two canvases with the campaign in Iowa and three rallies in downtown Columbia.

While Clinton passed her first test, there will be more to come.

“After the election, he asked me to become secretary of state”, Clinton said. It was just finally negotiated next week.

“That debate made me really understand why I’m a Democrat”, Dershowitz said.

“It is a partisan vehicle, as admitted by the House Republican Majority Leader, Mr. (Kevin) McCarthy, to drive down my poll numbers”, she said. “And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world’s total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment”.

“Nobody does, Senator Sanders”, Clinton interjected.

Clinton argued that she had ‘been very consistent’. “We need to stand up and say enough of that”.

Clinton has said her email server in her New York State home was used for convenience and not to skirt transparency laws.

Wilson said that the campaign was focusing on “fun and informational” events to spread the word.

And there will be someone in every crowd overheard admitting, “I kind of like that Bernie Sanders”.

Moderator Anderson Cooper posed to the candidates: Do they think Edward Snowden, the NSA leaker who exposed a massive program of government surveillance, is a hero or a traitor? After a few explaining, Sanders landed on a simple answer: “Of course not”. But it’s hard to imagine a receptive audience for defending the Second Amendment, limiting affirmative action, controlling the border even after an amnesty that qualified current illegal immigrants for Obamacare, supporting the Keystone XL pipeline and an “all of the above” approach to energy and grinning about killing Viet Cong in his current party, outside of small pockets of surviving Southern conservative Democrats. “I don’t take a back seat to anyone” when it comes to progressive issues. ‘Everybody else has to be accountable, but not the gun manufacturers.

“The middle class in this country is collapsing”, Sanders said. He lobbied for the “vast data bank of information” held by the government to be destroyed before it falls into the wrong hands. “That is not what a lawsuit should be about”.

In perhaps the most memorable exchange of the debate, Sanders dismissed the issue as one not worth voters’ time with a cranky one-liner. But as he has done in the past, Sanders may have misspoken when he cited those statistics. “Hispanic youth unemployment is 36%”.

The comparable number for whites is 33.8%.

“African-American youth unemployment is 51%”, Sanders said. For Hispanic youth, it’s 12.7%, while for white youth, it’s 10.3%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Is a graduate of Georgetown Law School.

Reality check: Hillary Clinton said, “We have to look at the fact that we lose 90 people a day from gun violence”.

But, if it is not entirely clear what is compelling him to run for the nation’s highest office, he may be the most interesting candidate in the race, or, at least, have the most intriguing history.

Supporters of rivals Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed in a friendly faceoff on a crowded pedestrian bridge in Las Vegas ahead of Tuesday’s debate.


He got it nearly right.

Debate lineup