
Clintons earned $10.75 million in 2015, paid 34.2 pct federal tax rate

Critics slammed Trump this week for appearing to suggest that gun-rights supporters could shoot Clinton to prevent her from appointing federal judges as president, and he drew criticism for standing by a false claim that President Barack Obama founded the Islamic State. In 2015 the couple made 3,441 and paid a combined effective tax rate of 25.6%.


Last July, Clinton posted eight years of her tax returns on her campaign website.

According to their joint return, the Clintons made $10.6 million in 2015, significantly less than the almost $28 million they made the year before when the former secretary of state was still doing paid speaking engagements.

With the release of now 10 years of tax returns, Clinton brings attention to the almost 40-year bipartisan tradition of presidential candidates publicly disclosing their returns – and Trump’s refusal to do so.

Trump had told The Associated Press in May that he would not release his returns before the November 8 elections.

In May, Trump’s then-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said there is “nothing to learn” from the returns.

Her opponent Donald Trump has yet to release any tax returns, a fact she brings up regularly.

Presidential candidates typically release their tax returns to the media to show their effective tax rate, charitable donations and other financial details.

Trump has yet to release his tax returns..

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump by three percentage points, which is slightly down from a 4-point Clinton lead last Thursday, according to a Rasmussen Report published on Thursday. That means they’re due a refund of just more than $1 million.

The Trump campaign was quick to respond by challenging Clinton on the 33,000 emails of hers as the Secretary of State that has been deleted.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally at Abraham Lincoln High School, in Des Moines, Iowa, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016.

A source close to Clinton said she would soon release the return, supplementing the decades of returns she and her husband have already made public.

Then-President Richard Nixon released his tax returns in 1973, starting an informal precedent.

While technically anyone making more than $415,000 per year is subject to a 39.6 percent tax rate, there are a wide array of tax breaks that allow them to lower that rate substantially, often well below the rates paid by middle-income earners. The campaign noted that the couple have now released all their tax returns dating to 1977.


“Based on what we know from the Trump campaign, he wants America to work for him and his friends, at the expense of everyone else”, she said, at a manufacturing company. “And according to an independent analysis by a former economic adviser to Senator John McCain, if you add up all of Trump’s ideas from cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations, to starting a trade war with China, to deporting millions of hardworking immigrants, the result would be a loss of 3.4 million jobs”.

Trump tells the Secret Service (but not his supporters) that he didn't intend to incite violence against Clinton.