
Clintons earned $153 million from speeches

The war over Wall Street between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton escalated Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union”, where both candidates defended their records. “Anyone who engages in social media in support of Hillary Clinton has encountered this element”.


But now it’s Clinton’s rival Bernie Sanders, who has the momentum going into Election Day.

“Distinct from the candidate and the candidate proper, there is a support base for Sen”.

At an event in Milford, New Hampshire, Bill Clinton hardened his rhetoric against Bernie Sanders on several fronts, including an accusation of sexism leveled at supporters of Bernie Sanders for their attacks on Hillary Clinton.

Clinton came to Flint on Sunday, taking a break from campaigning in New Hampshire days before the state’s critical primary on Tuesday, to stress the need to urge the Republican controlled Senate to approve the Senate Democrats’ $600 million amendment to help Flint. “I don’t know the status”, she replied, “but I will certainly look into it”.

Joe Kennedy III, D-Brookline, Katherine Clark, D-Melrose, also traveled to New Hampshire to canvass for Clinton in the final weekend before the first-in-the-nation primary. This weekend, former President Bill Clinton wooed voters in Las Vegas, campaign surrogates knocked doors in San Antonio and Clinton’s aides announced a meeting with top civil rights leaders next week in New York City. But Sanders, who as Vermont senator is no stranger to the state, has built a strong advantage here and hopes to push back against Clinton’s argument that she would be most electable come November.

Sanders was to campaign in New Hampshire on Sunday following his cameo appearance on “Saturday Night Live”. He was in a skit about the Titanic.

In New Hampshire, too, Sanders may have an advantage with the young.

“Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good”, Sanders said, imitating a line from David’s HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. “Clearly this is a sign that the Clinton campaign is very concerned about the state of the race and the fact that recent national polls have shown that this is really a race that is down to one or two percentage points difference”.

Clinton’s supporters also were saying she was best under pressure and we will soon see that side of Hillary as she goes to New Hampshire as an underdog, given Sanders’ double-digit lead in polls there.

“What do you do to persuade people who have doubts about you?” asked one woman, particularly noting trust issues around the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, and her use of a private email system while secretary of state.

“I’m not making promises I can’t keep”, she said during Thursday’s Democratic debate.

“We are going to have a government that works for all of us, and not just big campaign contributors”.

“That’s not the only Flint in our country”, Clinton said.

She then spoke about her granddaughter, Charlotte, and said she “really could not imagine” how the people of Flint must be feeling.


He has called her out for claiming to be a moderate earlier in the campaign, only to joust with him now over who’s the true “progressive”.

Clinton '100 Percent Confident' Email Issue Won't Hurt Her Campaign