
Clintons Paid $3.6 Million in Taxes in 2015

The Democratic presidential nominee and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, paid $3.24 million in taxes out of their adjusted gross income of $10.6 million.


Mr. Miller has alleged that Ms. Clinton is at the centre of an worldwide corruption scandal that reveals her use of government authority and influence for personal gain. They also made $1 million in charitable contributions that same year. It is not the same organization as the better-known Clinton Foundation. Clinton has endorsed a rule named after billionaire investor Warren Buffett that would ensure those making more than $1 million a year pay a tax rate of at least 30 percent.

The release is part of an effort to undercut Mr Trump’s character by questioning the businessman’s record. “There are Bernie Sanders Democrats who say, ‘I can’t vote for Trump, but I don’t like Clinton, so I’m going to vote for Stein.’ But you also have Republicans like Congressman [Richard] Hanna (R-Utica) who say they will vote for Clinton and some Republicans are embarrassed by Trump, but can’t vote for Hillary, so they vote Libertarian”.

Friday’s release adds to a prior disclosure of tax returns spanning the years 1992 to 2014, released during the years when Bill Clinton was president and when Hillary Clinton ran for president the first time, in 2008.

Trump’s comments Friday echoed – but went even further than – his statements last week in OH that he’s “afraid the election is going to be rigged”.

Given their long tenure in public service, the Clintons release their tax returns publically about as often as most people file their actual taxes.

The Clinton campaign’s release gave them another opportunity to jab Trump for his refusal to release his own tax returns. Clinton and the tech industry “share a realistic view of the complicated interconnected world we live in, and we think, will often arrive at in parallel positions on a lot of things”, he said.

In 2012, then-Republican presidential Mitt Romney reluctantly released his returns.

Her running mate Tim Kaine, along with his wife Anne Holton, paid a rate of 20.3 per cent, his returns show.

They paid about US$3.6 million in federal taxes for an effective tax rate of about 35 per cent. It came to just more than $2.5 million. The couple earned more than $10 million in 2015, the documents say.

Clinton’s general approach to economic issues seems more in line with the tech industry, said Ed Black, president and CEO of the Computer and Communications Industry Association. The campaign did not respond to messages.

Clinton’s strategy is simple: let Trump be Trump. But her substantial wealth has caused headaches. Among other initiatives, she wants the train 50,000 new computer science teachers over the next 10 years and to push green cards on foreign students earning advanced tech and science degrees from US colleges.

The couple also generated income from book sales and Bill Clinton’s consulting business.

In total, the Clintons earned than $139 million between 2007 and 2014, according to eight years of federal income tax returns released by her campaign last July. In the past, Wall Street has frequently paid Hillary Clinton to speak. She commanded her highest rate from EBay, which paid her $315,000 for a March 2015 address in San Jose.

NY has 5.7 million enrolled Democrats, 2.7 million Republicans, 159,355 Conservative Party members, and 475,566 voters not enrolled in a party. Several former students have sued a school operated by the company, alleging fraud.


After resigning from the State Department in February 2013, Clinton went on the speaking circuit, charging $225,000 or more per appearance.

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