
Clintons stump across state to ‘get out out the caucus’

Bernie Sanders had the best fundraising month of his campaign in February, and it was also his costliest. In exchange for $129 million in overall campaign disbursements, she has received an estimated $746 million in earned media.


American Democrats living overseas – including in Israel – overwhelmingly preferred Sen. If she could draw in a dozen Western states for a “Pac-12” vote, it would magnify candidates’ attention to our part of the country, much like this year’s Southeast primary did.

But no matter how the race ends up Tuesday, many say candidates like Bernie Sanders have changed the race in significant ways.

One person Sanders did not mention by name on Monday night was Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton.

“But most importantly what the American people understand is that we are strong when we come together”, said Sanders. The question for the campaign is whether they can still get their message out through grassroots organizing, social media and other avenues.

Half of Democrats said they expected Hillary Clinton to be their nominee, and 46 percent of Republicans said the same of Donald Trump. Sanders swept the Democratic primary held for US citizens living overseas amidst unprecedented voter turnout, up 50% from 2008. Sanders picked up 9 pledged delegates to Clinton’s 4.

The outcome of the Democrats Abroad ballot means that Sanders gains nine additional pledged delegates while Clinton secures four. And her husband, former president Bill Clinton, spoke to more than 1,000 supporters Sunday in Phoenix.

Schmalz said she’s supported Sanders since the beginning of his campaign because she feels he believes what he says and hasn’t shifted his positions as she feels Clinton has. There’s been a report that you might go to the convention and if you’re behind in delegates try to flip those superdelegates to win through using the superdelegates.


The supporters of Bernie Sanders have also rallied behind him, echoing the senator’s statements that the superdelegates should support the candidate who has been chosen by the Democratic voters and not the party insiders.

Arizona Democratic Primary Results Another Bernie Sanders Upset