
Clocks “spring forward” one hour this weekend

An easy way to remember the difference between turning clocks forward or backward is when fall arrives; it is “time to fall back”, changing clocks back one hour.


Daylight Saving Time. Whether you love it or loathe it, come March 13, you’ll have to turn your clock forward.

Whatever you want to call the time change that takes place this weekend, here’s what you need to know about iPhone Daylight Saving Time and how it can impact you. However, any State can opt out of DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME by passing a State law.

Daylight saving time, our semi-annual grumble as we go from microwave to range to wall clock, hitting buttons and rolling knobs, starts early Sunday morning.

The thought that the practice saves money and energy, the rationale behind Daylight Saving Time, is in doubt by many. We produce sleep hormone when we are exposed to darkness and it is essential that we produce melatonin in our brains in order to help regulate sleep/wake cycles. Almost 3,033 individuals who were hospitalized during the week after a daylight saving time transition were reviewed for incidence of stroke. A bonus is that the days will suddenly seem longer because you gain an hour of daylight.

For the rest of the country, daylight saving time ends November 6th.

He says he’s also read studies that say there are more heart attacks the Monday after the time change.

HollywoodLifers, do you wish your state would stop observing daylight saving time?

With this option set, you will be ready for the 2016 time change.


Other studies found that switching clocks back and forth every year mostly just disrupted sleep patterns, and had very little effect on our health.

Daylight Saving Time 2016 When Does It Begin