
Closer look at Clinton email inquiry — Federal Bureau of Investigation documents

“In July, Comey called Clinton’s handling of classified information “extremely careless”, but said, “.Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case”.


“Clinton did not recall receiving any emails she thought she should not be on an unclassified system”, the report read.

That dovetails with what Clinton told “Face the Nation” in an interview that aired on January 10, when she suggested she relied on one aide, Jake Sullivan, to determine what could and couldn’t be appropriately transmitted through her private server.

The nature of the classified emails was not revealed, though a number of the emails dealt with planning drone strikes and their aftermath. The FBI interviewed an employee of the company with which PRN had discussed the issue.

Investigations determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices, eight of which she used during her tenure, the FBI documents said.

As the reports were released, GOP nominee Donald Trump and other attacked Clinton connecting the emails to questions over whether the former secretary of state gave preferential treatment to donors to her family’s foundation.

Clinton’s interview with the FBI, which took place July 2, was the culmination of a year-long investigation into Clinton’s email practices.

Clinton’s campaign spokesman Brian Fallon sought to cut short any such notion, tweeting: “Asked abt briefings in late ’12, Clinton said 2 things: (1) she couldn’t recall each briefing (2) she missed part of that time due to health”.

The State Department, under court order, released tens of thousands of her e-mails past year on a monthly schedule. “Additional information related to this investigation that the FBI releases in the future will be placed on the Vault, the FBI’s electronic FOIA library”.

The documents also include technical details about how the private server was set up.

The unidentified person said that sometime between March 25 and March 31 he realized that he did not make the email retention policy changes to Clinton’s email account that Mills had requested in December 2014.

Breitbart News reported last September on an email that Abedin sent to Clinton after Clinton’s private email account crashed.

Clinton was asked during the interview about an email from former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who also relied on a personal email account while in office. “And what I’ve learned is that when I try to explain what happened it can sound like I’m trying to excuse what I did”, she told CNN.

But they offer fresh details that Clinton’s political opponents will be able to use in the months leading up to the November election.

“I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data”, Powell said, according to the summary.

Despite his reluctance to comment on whether Clinton had lied to the public, Comey revealed during that hearing that some of the former USA secretary of state’s email defenses were false. But she hired enablers who helped keep her secrets without guarding America’s.

New documents released by the FBI Friday afternoon seem to be in Clinton’s favor on the first question, but raise new questions about the second.

“These documents demonstrate Hillary Clinton’s reckless and downright unsafe handling of classified information during her tenure as Secretary of State”, Ryan said in a statement.

Obama had one “and it seemed convenient”, Clinton said, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Though the single-user email breach doesn’t indicate any inherent vulnerability in the Clintons’ server, it does show a lack of attention to its access logs, says Dave Aitel, a former NSA security analyst and founder of security firm Immunity.


Meanwhile, the Federal Bureau of Investigation file cited a 2011 notice to all State employees “sent on Clinton’s behalf” that recommended employees not conducting State business via personal email accounts “due to information security concerns”.

FBI releases documents from Clinton email investigation