
Cloud Police See Reports of Trespassing Due to Pokemon GO App

We’re sure this would involve some talks with HBO and the like, but given that Pokemon Go has already brought $11.8 billion to the market value of Nintendo, we’re sure they could be convinced.


Hallowed places including Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington, DC have urged players to stay away, and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum has asked to be removed from the game, a museum spokesman said.

The game has until now only been available in the United States, Australia and New Zealand – although some particularly avid Europeans fans downloaded copies in recent days by pretending to be connecting from those countries.

The game has become a global phenomenon since its release.

“It’s going to be, they’re saying, it’s going to be a real data user and you may wind up unknowingly playing the game and then running up your cell phone bill”, Crain explained. “You could end more than just your game”, they said. It looks like player data is stored on Niantic servers, which means as long as players use the same login account, progress they’ve made from the early APK file releases will still remain once gamers are able to download their proper version of the game.

“Remember that if we catch you Pokemoning while driving it will be an $80 fine…”

Playing Pokemon Go while driving is really not a good idea.

Meanwhile, in western Pennsylvania, one woman told a local TV station that her 15-year-old daughter was hit by a vehicle while playing the game and crossing a busy highway.

An unpopular drawback has been discovered in a new game that has captured the attention of millions. They were alerted by other players to a man following women and improperly touching children, and so the pair notified police and detained him until officers arrived.


Note to readers: This is a corrected story.

Wethersfield Police Pokemon Go Could Have Something To Do With More Trespassing Complaints