
Colin Powell calls Donald Trump a ‘national disgrace’ in leaked emails

“The former diplomat slammed Trump as a “national disgrace” and an worldwide pariah” in a June email to a former aide, saying the GOP presidential nominee was “in the process of destroying himself”.


Over email, Powell minced no words blasting Trump over the movement that questioned Obama’s citizenship, which Trump vocally promoted in the past but has declined to discuss in recent weeks.

In another email from a year earlier, Powell complained, “I told you about the speaking gig that I lost at a University because she so overcharged them”, adding “everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris”.

In an August email, Powell called Trump’s insistence that President Barack Obama as not born in the US a “racist” movement, according to the leaked messages. Powell also wrote in the mail that Trump was “in the process of destroying himself, no need for (Democrats) to attack him”, CNN reported. “That’s what the 99% believe”. Commenting on Trump wanting to know if Obama was Muslim, Powell wrote, “As I have said before, ‘What if he was?’ Muslims are born as Americans everyday”.

In an interview in March on CBS This Morning, Powell said the race for the GOP presidential nomination, which was undecided at the time, had “gone into the mud”.

“Sad thing”, Powell wrote a confidant in another email late last month of the email story, “HRC could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me into it”.

The emails also include Powell’s thoughts on Clinton’s email woes. “The media isn’t fooled and she is getting crucified”, according to BuzzFeed. Powell never setup a private server and used a government computer for classified matters.

Powell had previously accused Clinton of trying to “pin” the scandal on him after Clinton told federal authorities in July that Powell had detailed to her his email practices under George W. Bush, according to a New York Times report in August. “I said nothing about servers, basements, domains, Clinton foundation, government employees”, Powell wrote.

“I told her staff three times not to try that gambit”.

“They are idiots and spent force peddling a book that ain’t going nowhere”, Powell wrote to former Reagan White House chief of staff Kenneth Duberstein on the book released in September 2015.


Per The Intercept, Powell said there was a difference between what he was doing with a private email address as opposed to a private server. “I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data”.

Powell warned Clinton not to make him fall guy over email scandal, leaked messages reveal