
Colorado Primary Rules: Unaffiliated Voters Can Show Their Colors, Too

Registered Democrats and Republicans – and unaffiliated voters who are willing to declare a party affiliation at the polls – may cast ballots for nominees for president, 12 U.S. House races, freeholders and sheriff in Bergen and Passaic counties, and municipal councils.


Clinton hopes a win in California, which she carried the 2008 presidential primary over then-Sen.

Almost 650,000 persons registered to vote in the 45 days prior to the primary registration deadline. Two former Republican party chairmen and a physicist-turned-software developer are among several GOP contenders for the seat, but none has polled above single digits or raised significant campaign funds in the overwhelmingly Democratic state.

Both Attorney General Kamala Harris, who ascended to prominence as the San Francisco district attorney, and U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez, who rose in power by unseating Republican Representative Bob Dornan in Orange County in 1996, are well-known for their political acumen as well as their strong networks in Northern California and Southern California, respectively.

Voters will also weigh in on congressional and legislative races.

A demonstrator burns a hat in protest of Donald Trump outside a campaign rally in San Jose, California, June 2, 2016.

Fair warning: You can only affiliate with one party for the primary – and you’ll want to unaffiliate afterward if you want to avoid a lot of robocalls before election day. She will also be the first woman to ever top a major party ticket.


The Field report finds that in 2004, just after the law went into effect, 16% of California voters were permanently registered to vote by mail. Well, congrats, because D.C. allows people to vote absentee without stating a reason.

California Almost Mattered This Time, Sort Of