
Comedy at NY City Hall: Louis CK shadows de Blasio

“This is a mayor who focuses on the fundamentals New Yorkers care about, not political chatter”, said Wiley Norvell, a spokesman for Blasio.


Rising crime – particularly gang-related shootings – is a sensitive subject in a city where rates fell steadily under previous mayors Michael Bloomberg and Rudolph Giuliani. Only 45 percent of voters are “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” with the way things are going in the city today, while 55 percent are “somewhat dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied”. So far, C.K. has traveled with Hizzoner to an appearance in Brownsville, and attended a state budget board meeting where de Blasio was giving a speech.

Racial gaps in Blasio’s support persist. Its margin of error is 2.9 percentage points.

Asked about the visit, the first-term Democratic mayor quipped there’s “a lot of comedy at City Hall”.

The election calendar keeps getting shorter. 64 percent of black voters approve of Blasio and only 24 percent disapprove, while whites continue to despise him.

Louis C.K. and Mayor de Blasio at a roast earlier this year. 59 percent of white voters gave him the thumbs down and only 32 percent approve of his performance. Among Democratic Party voters, Stringer has a whopping 61-15 approval rating, compared to de Blasio’s 56-33 score.

Advertisement Blasio’s numbers are trending downward. He and Gov. Andrew Cuomo waged a war of words after de Blasio criticized the governor for not helping the city achieve more of its agenda during Albany’s legislative session. Even more – 47 percent – think de Blasio should be a one-term mayor.

Comedian Louis CK shadows NYC mayor on municipal business