
Comey: Clinton Email Case Was Open and Shut

However, no one delved into continued questions surrounding whether Clinton Foundation donors received special treatment and favors from her State Department, newly released Federal Bureau of Investigation notes showing her aides destroyed her mobile devices with hammers, or follow-ups on her statements about her server use from the forum the prior night.


“But I doubt it will be a deciding factor in the campaign”, he says, “unless some unfortunate event happens that makes it clear that she does have a medical problem”. But every part of our government had to deal with questions, and the secretary of state’s office was first and foremost. She said she thought the practice went back “200 years”.

The media has been pressing Clinton to hold a full press conference to give reporters a chance to ask her about a host of issues.

The memo followed the public release last Friday afternoon of FBI investigative documents concerning Clinton’s use of a private email server: a 47-page memo summarizing the investigation, and 11 pages of notes about the bureau’s almost five-hour interview with the former Secretary of State last July.

As the Daily Beast opined: “Is Hillary Clinton’s Cough the New Benghazi?” Did she think she was never going to receive any classified information? He also warns Clinton that emails sent or received on her Blackberry could be considered official government records.

Clinton’s memory problems extend to personal devices on which she sent and received email as well.

What happened here? The FBI seriously dropped the ball, and Mrs. Clinton was more concerned about being indicted than she was about losing the race for the presidency.

FBI investigators were denied two out of five Clinton iPads, 13 of her mobile devices (some of which were smashed with hammers) and even an Apple laptop and a thumb drive containing a 2013 archive of Hillary’s e-mails aides claimed got “lost” in the mail. CLINTON understood this type of conversation as part of the routine deliberation process.

In ‘The Hillary Clinton Email Story Is Out of Control,’ they lambast NBC’s Matt Lauer for his questions the previous evening, most of which were about Clinton’s emails. She said she viewed that comment as “being representative of the emphasis he placed on handling information appropriately”.


The FBI failed to pursue even the most basic lines of questioning. During her tenure, CLINTON stated State did the best they could to not confirm drone strikes and were as careful as possible, but had to deal with a “rash” of news reports on drones. Her claims make a mockery of the legally binding non-disclosure agreements she signed after being confirmed as Secretary of State, where she attested she understood how to handle classified information and swore to protect it regardless of whether it was marked (c) or not. Though FBI Director James Comey described Clinton’s actions as “extremely careless”, he said his agents found no evidence to support criminal charges. Her interrogators just blithely accepted her answers.

FBI director is sick of talking about Hillary Clinton's damn emails