
‘Comment on Obama was sarcastic’

“I do”, Mr. Trump said.


At the time, there were calls to have him drop out of the race, and he appeared to turn to social media to do damage control. It’s an instinct that Trump’s opponents say a president can’t possess.

Only hours before, the billionaire businessman had restated the allegation with no mention of sarcasm, telling rally-goers in Kissimmee, Florida, that “I’ve been saying that Barack Obama is the founder”.

“No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS”.

After not even his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence, would support Trump’s latest stupid outburst, the GOP standard bearer blamed it all on CNN.

“If at the end of 90 days I fall in short because I’m somewhat politically incorrect even though I’m supposed to be the smart one and even though I’m supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it’s okay”, Trump continued. “I tell the truth”. On Thursday, he told the Miami Herald that he would be “fine” with trying U.S. citizens charged with terrorism in Guantanamo Bay-which would be illegal, and likely impossible thanks to the Sixth Amendment.

While Trump’s IS statements were meant to be sarcastic, many Americans have not taken it lightly. His go-to move is to throw up a cloud of words that sort of resemble something someone might say, then move on.

DT: You’re not, and let me ask you, do you not like that? “As the daughter of a leader who was assassinated, I find Mr. Trump’s comments distasteful, disturbing and unsafe”, tweeted Bernice King, daughter of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

As he often does, the Republican presidential nominee accused the news media of misconstruing something he said. “Is China hoping – can you imagine China? I think you would probably be rewarded mightily by our press”, he said at the news conference.

Hewitt tried again, saying: “I don’t think I would say they created, they lost the peace”.

Fox News Channel declined to make Hannity, who doesn’t hide his unabashedly conservative views, available for an interview. He added, in all capital letters- “THEY DON’T GET SARCASM?”

“What I’m looking for is a president who has a good sense of humour about ISIS, assassinations, and Russian cyber warfare”, senator Chris Murphy of CT wrote, sarcastically, in a post on Twitter.

“Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is”. You got on the train.

McEnany said, “I’m not”.

Trump could have easily said that Obama’s failure to understand the nature of the ISIS threat and his decision to treat it as a “JV team” allowed the organization to grow in strength without a tough US response to it; or, as Graeme Wood wrote in his now famous Atlantic article, that ISIS cannot be contained as was the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and that it looks forward to the very end of the world after the creation of a world-wide caliphate.

After making the suggestion at a rally Wednesday night, Trump doubled down on the assertion Thursday, insisting in interviews that he really did intend to say that the president and Clinton had created ISIS.

He said he wants authorities to monitor the voting closely.

Star of David: In July, Trumps campaign tweeted an anti-Clinton message that seemed to show the Star of David atop a pile of cash, raising questions about anti-Semitism. “They are the founders”, Trump said at a National Association of Home Builders event in Miami Thursday morning. He said: “Therefore, he was the founder of ISIS”.

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who is one of Trump’s most prominent surrogates, went to great lengths to defend the candidate in an interview with CNN on Thursday. Because of Hewitt’s conservatism, his comments would not be seen as an attempt to bait Trump, Sesno said. Asked specifically about US citizens, Trump told the Miami Herald that he didn’t like that Obama and others wanted to try them in traditional courts.


But in a tweet on Friday, he called the comments sarcasm. “Obviously I was being sarcastic but not that sarcastic to be honest with you”, Trump said Friday.

Donald Trump