
Community mourns death of farmer mauled by bull

Twin brothers were involved in a farm accident yesterday, Wednesday 16 September, in Toulett, Co Donegal.


It’s understood a bull may have attacked the brothers, although investigations are at an early stage.

It is understood the victim, named as Patrick Dowds, was attacked by a Charolais bull on Wednesday morning when he went out to feed the cattle.

The alarm was raised when he didn’t return, and his brother George and a nephew went searching for him.

He found his brother dead in a field on their farm.

A second man, also in his 60s, has been taken to Letterkenny General Hospital, where he is said to be in a critical condition. “It’s very sad what has happened here, and how it happened”, he said.

“The brothers would be very well-known in the area”.

Gardaí have sealed off the area which is close to the Grianan of Aileach historical site.

Fine Gael Councillor John Ryan said: “There is absolute shock in the local community”.

Fianna Fáil Councillor Paul Canning said: “This is such a hard time for the family and for the entire community”.

“They were simply going about their daily work when this bad tragedy visited them”.


“Our thoughts and prayers are with their family at this time”.

Gardaí in Letterkenny were called to investigate a sudden death on the farm in the village of Toulett