Those emails, then, are presumably available for public scrutiny. Hillary could help her cause to accomplish what President Obama couldn’t – pass immigration reform – not by making fun of Donald Trump, but by aligning herself and her campaign to the Christian message of welcoming the Stranger. Deleted emails often can be recovered from a device that has not been “wiped”, which PC Magazine defines as “a security measure when selling, giving away or retiring a computer”. She also talked about how the issues of climate change and college tuition were absent from the recent Republican debate when they shouldn’t have been because they are so important. Because State Department employees “may delete messages they deem in their own discretion to be personal“, the briefing reads, the Judicial Watch argument “reduces to an unsupported allegation that former Secretary Clinton might have mistakenly or intentionally deleted responsive agency records rather than personal records”.
Government lawyers made the assertion in a court filing this week in a public records lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, an advocacy group.
In spite of all that, the Justice Department has decided not only to accept Clinton’s version of events but to forcefully argue that there is “no evidence” to suspect Clinton has failed to turn over any relevant emails. Though the government has (not surprisingly) stood up for Mrs. Clinton, the claim misses the point.
The company that managed Hillary Clinton’s private email server said it has “no knowledge of the server being wiped”, indicating that tens of thousands of emails Clinton said were deleted could be recovered, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.
Say… I wonder if the IRS would be willing to allow me to go through all of my tax documents, decide which ones were “relevant” and just toss the rest in the old burn barrel?
Clinton turned over 30,000 official emails to the US State Department in late 2014.
It was Clinton’s first Wisconsin visit of the 2016 campaign.
Unhappily, she is still dishonest.
In their press release, Judicial Watch alleged that the documents raised more questions about whether or not the Democratic presidential candidate told the truth when she submitted a sworn declaration to court under penalty of perjury. Clever, right? Except that the quip was nearly surely staged. Better to issue no apology at all than one measured in fractions. Which it probably was.
It is hard for Hillary to shake off these challenges and reboot. She defended her stance, saying “if advocating for equal pay for equal work is playing the gender card, deal me in”.
“There is no one more qualified [for president] running right now”, said longtime Clinton supporter Cindy Vanvreede. In a word, self-defeating.
In her brief time on the campaign trail so far, Hillary also reportedly turned down an invitation to speak at a major gathering of Southern Baptist pastors. Why?
Clinton also attracted a few dozen protesters.
“She appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server“.
When asking why Clinton chose to make her first official Wisconsin campaign stop at UWM, Student Association president Mike Sportiello told the UWM Post that he was not surprised. A natural campaigner would never have allowed reporters to be roped off, or alienated early on by snide remarks and derision. “That is just wrong…we are going to bring those costs down”. Someone needs to come in and clean up the mess.