
Compromise gun bill to block sales to suspected terrorists fails Senate vote

On Monday, the vote was held on four gun control measures after Connecticut Sen. We value it more than life itself, more than peace of mind, even though, as one senator put it, “rights have boundaries” too.


Even after deploying an unusual series of tactics in the House this week, including a failed last-minute attempt to tack an amendment on an annual appropriations bill, Democrats weren’t able to wrangle a vote on new gun-control measures.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said this week that Republicans “know that there is an issue” involving gun purchases by people on terrorist watch lists.

“An important place we differ is that the ACLU does believe that there are ways that a government can regulate guns that are not going to raise due-process or equal-protection problems”, said Mr. Landers. Lindsey Graham (R. -S.C), Sen. Kelly Ayote, a New Hampshire Republican and a drafter of the bill. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., who often backs the NRA and faces re-election in 2018.

If somebody is risky enough we won’t let them fly on a plane they shouldn’t be able to purchase a gun Sen. Tim Kaine (D. -Va.). No. 2 Republican Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D. -Calif.), which covers 5,000 Americans.

In 2014, Representative Lewis also joined 20 House Democrats in signing a letter to the Department of Homeland Security expressing concern that the department was still not providing “effective means of redress for unfair or incorrect designations” on federal watch lists. In both bills, the 109,000 non-American and non-permanent resident names would be incorporated in the background check system.

Senate Republican leaders have agreed to allow a vote on the measure crafted by Sen.

“I’m very pleased with where we stand”, Collins said after the vote.

Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, called it a “test vote to see what it looks like”.

Three Republicans backing Collins have tight re-election fights this year.

“If our government has determined than an individual is too unsafe to fly on an airplane, that person should not have the opportunity (to) make a legal firearm purchase”, a white paper for Collins’ bill stated.

Republican Rep. Justin Amash, a libertarian-leaning MI congressman who introduced legislation in 2014 to get rid of no-fly lists, tweeted Wednesday night that Democrats want to replace “due process with secret lists”.

The Collins amendment would also give the U.S. Attorney General discretion, as to whether or not a terrorist would be allowed to purchase a firearm – this is a factor because intelligence or law enforcement agencies might allow a prohibited purchase to go through, so that the subject of surveillance does not get tipped off that he is getting watched.

The lists now have about 100,000 people on them, mostly foreign citizens, Collins said at the news conference. “Because the government lacks probable cause to do so”. Additionally, the Federal Bureau of Investigation would be given notice when anyone who has been on a terrorism watch list within the past five years attempts to buy a gun, even if they are no longer listed. “I am not trying to suggest that if you are on this list you are going to be charged with a crime, I am trying to suggest that if you are on this list, you go through a major cut”.

In Yehuda Berg’s * a href=”*Version*=1&*entries*=0&tag=iq10101-20″ target=”_blank” *book, Rebooting: Defeating Depression With The Power Of Kabbalah, he notes about 9.5 percent of the USA population suffers from depression.


All the senators standing with Collins made short remarks and all of them were careful to stress that their support of the Collins amendment was about protecting Americans, not politics – except for Kaine. Only 31 senators supported advancing the alternative measure.

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