
Computer systems used by Hillary Clinton campaign apparently hacked by Russian spies

Sources in the Democratic Party, report that there has been a cyber-attack on the party’s computers, including on the computers used by Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton for her presidential campaign.


The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says its computers have been hacked. Documents showed that some party officials favored presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and sought to undermine her rival Bernie Sanders in the primary race, sparking anger among Sanders supporters and forcing the resignation of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz last Sunday.

A law enforcement official who wished to remain anonymous told the NYT it was not yet known whether the hacks at the DNC, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign were part of one attack on Democrats or several.

But the campaign refused to cooperate with the investigation – holding back data the FBI had requested to look into the matter, Yahoo reported.

The FBI said it “takes seriously any allegations of intrusions, and we will continue to hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace”.

A Clinton spokesman, Nick Merrill, said security experts have found no evidence that internal campaign systems have been hacked.

“Our campaign computer system has been under review by outside cybersecurity experts”, he said.

Earlier this week, John Kerry who is US Secretary of State raised the DNC hack with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Laos.

“The cyberthreat environment continues to evolve as cyberactors target all sectors and their data”, said the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its statement. “Based on the information we have to date, we’ve been advised by investigators that this is similar to other recent incidents, including the DNC breach”.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”, Trump said at a news conference in Florida.


The celebratory mood quickly evaporated amid fresh revelations that hackers had breached a program used by her campaign and Republican nominee Donald Trump promised to sharpen his barbs.

Clinton campaign hacked in broad attack on Dems: report