
Computers hacked at Democrats’ House campaign committee

Details were initially unclear about exactly who tapped into the computers and which information was accessed at the congressional campaign committee, which raises money and provides other assistance for Democratic House candidates.


The emails were released days before the Democratic National Convention, sparking an FBI investigation of its own about a possible hack into the party’s system and leading chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign. Reuters reports that the fake DCCC site’s IP address “resembled” one potentially used by Russian hackers, but the evidence seems loose and circumstantial. Skepticism is healthy, especially during an election season as nuts as this one. The cybersecurity company hasn’t been able to determine if the hackers intercepted the donations or succeeded in planting malware on the computers of those visitors, Hultquist said.

The DCCC is the primary fundraising group for Democrats running for seats in the House of Representatives. “The intrusion at the group could have begun as recently as June”, Reuters reports.

In response to speculation that Russian Federation is attempting to influence the outcome of the USA presidential race – and might even seek ways to tamper with electronic voting – Eric Schultz, a White House spokesman, said Friday, “As we’ve seen in the past, Russian Federation has tried to influence elections in Europe”.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has suffered a security breach, and the FBI is investigating, writes Reuters.

The Kremlin has denied any involvement in the release of the documents.

The apparent cyber attack on the party’s Congressional campaign arm comes after Wikileaks published more than 19,000 emails from the DNC, some of which showed staffers criticizing the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. But he also said that he’s “taken aback a bit by…the hyperventilation” over the DNC hack.

President Barack Obama has said Russian Federation was nearly certainly responsible for the hack of the Democratic National Committee, an assertion with which cybersecurity experts have agreed.

An update on the health status and prisoner status of Wikileaks source and USA whistleblower Chelsea Manning, from her supporters at Fight for the Future.


“Any efforts on a nation state’s part to interfere with USA politics through cyber attacks would appear to cross a line that would demand a response from the US government”, said D.J. Rosenthal, a former Justice Department and National Security Council official. But it’s impossible when we’re trying to converse with our friends, or when are swimming in the local pool. The KOAR Bone Conduction Bluetooth Headset, now 48% off, has changed the audio game.

FBI investigates hack at House Democrats' campaign committee