
CON 2016: The WONDER WOMAN Trailer Has Finally Arrived

An action-packed trailer has been released for the first Wonder Woman movie in the iconic superhero’s 75-year history. Raised on a sheltered island paradise.


Warner Bros. Pictures premiered the very first trailer for Wonder Woman at San Diego Comic-Con this weekend.

DC dropped the first Wonder Woman footage in its CW special Dawn of Justice League – and, guys, it looks great.

And, if like us, you now can’t get that amazing Wonder Woman theme out of your head…

After the trailer premiered, Gadot posted a clip on Instagram, where she wrote, “I$3 can’t express how excited I am to see my journey come to life!” While staying on the darker side of the palette, there are splashes of solid colours. What’s clear, though, is that the Wonder Woman trailer has gotten the excitement level of DC fans rising and rising.

Of course, it was important for her to play because of “how independent she is”, and that as a superhero, she’s not there for anyone but herself. Bruce, Clarke, you can step aside now.

If you couldn’t believe it until you saw it, you can believe it now. It’s also nice to see a romantic element, but with Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) as the love interest. “We need heroes who are strong enough to be loving and forgiving…That’s what Wonder Woman in particular stands for”. With WW replying: “What I do is not up to you”. But a glimpse of Wonder Woman’s famous magic lasso in action should ease those reservations.

June 2, 2017 can not get here fast enough.


Directed by Patty Jenkins, Gadot and Pine are set to be joined by Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright, David Thewlis, Danny Huston, Elena Anaya, Ewen Bremner and Saïd Taghmaoui.

Gal Gadot explains 'Wonder Woman' needed a female director