
Congress Can’t Agree on Additional Funding to Fight Zika

The $1.1 billion Zika bill would provide funding to help local governments control mosquito populations and, most importantly, support researchers who are studying the virus and developing potential vaccines.


But if pregnant women are infected, they face a higher risk of having a baby with head and brain defects, a condition known as microcephaly. While the number of overall confirmed cases continues to grow significantly, there have now been 16 babies born with Zika-related birth defects in the United States.

The Zika virus has spread through the Caribbean and South America since late previous year. That bill is stalled in the Senate, where Democrats are blocking it in a dispute over restrictions on Planned Parenthood.

Couples should therefore, “wait at least 6 months before trying to conceive to ensure that possible Zika virus infection has cleared”, the updated guidelines state.

The CDC recommends women who are pregnant or are considering becoming pregnant postpone travel to areas where there is widespread Zika infection.

“Mounting evidence has shown that sexual transmission of Zika virus is possible and more common than previously assumed”, the World Health Organization states in the latest guidance update published this week. The virus has also been linked to neurological complications and Guillain-Barre syndrome, which can cause temporary paralysis.

According to the CDC, many people infected by Zika will never have symptoms or will only exhibit mild symptoms, including fever, rash, joint pain, conjunctivitis, muscle pain and headaches.

“We ask you to stand by the people of Florida in our time of need and use your legal authority to grant us access to a new source of hope in the fight against the spread of this bad virus”, the letter said.

The Florida Department of Health on Wednesday said it had confirmed 11 travel-related cases in Miami-Dade County and four in Broward.

As Zika continues to penetrate worldwide boundaries and infect more people, the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday threw new light on its advice for those living in Zika-affected regions.

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said all global travel healthcare centres would offer “free Zika screening and tests” to all individuals arriving from countries where local Zika transmission had been confirmed.

The Zika virus is spread by mosquitoes and can also be sexually transmitted.

“It could lead to some delay in people who are going to get pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant”, said Michael Wan, an economist at Credit Suisse.

To contain Zika, public health officials prescribe a trio of decidedly low-tech treatments: Remove stagnant water outside your home, use bug repellent and wear trousers and long sleeves.

On August 31 Singapore became the 58th country to declare an active zika hotspot, according to a survey by America’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.


This Q & A will tell you what you need to know about Zika.

Studying Zika virus