
Congress to get Clinton’s FBI interview notes

“I’m sure this is causing a lot of consternation at main Justice”, said Anne Weismann, a former Justice Department official now with the non-profit Campaign for Accountability.


When Comey testified before Congress, he said he would comply with requests for the summaries from Clinton and other witnesses and provide information the Federal Bureau of Investigation gathered in its year-long probe. But members of Congress will have access to notes taken during the interview.

Hillary Clinton has been under fire since it was discovered past year that she exclusively used her own server to conduct all her work related email on.

Comey divulged that the three-hour interview hadn’t taken place under oath and thus no official transcript would be available.

CNN noted that the Obama Administration has been debating how to release the documents since Clinton is now officially the Democratic nominee for the White House.

Later she revised her claim to say that she did not send or receive any information that was classified at the time the emails were originated.

Hillary Clinton has been under fire since it was discovered a year ago that she exclusively used her own server to conduct all her work related email on.

Several Republican lawmakers have requested the information after Comey’s testimony. He was requested to turn them over at the end of last month.

‘That’s not true, ‘ Comey had replied.

‘There was classified material emailed, ‘ Comey answered.

“First of all, the FBI Director said when he testified before Congress, he had to amend his previous day statement that she had never received any emails marked classified”.

“Director Comey said my answers were truthful”, she said, “and what I’ve said is consistent with what I have told the American people, that there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails”.

At another point she told reporters during a brief Q&A that she might have “short-circuited” when answering questions about the emails.

He also said she and her staff likely put sensitive information at risk, but he did not recommend criminal charges.


The notes could make their way to Capitol Hill as soon as tomorrow.

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