
Connecticut Democrats coming up with new names for dinner

On Wednesday, Democratic Party leaders in Connecticut unanimously voted to remove the names of two former U.S. presidents from the name of its annual fundraising dinner under pressure from the NAACP.


Each fall, the state party holds a Jefferson-Jackson-Bailey dinner to raise money for the party. “Democrats have led the way on civil rights, LGBT (lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender) equality, and equal rights for women”.

“I see it as the right thing to do”, Nick Balletto, the Democratic Party’s first-year chairman, said.

“I wasn’t looking to be a trailblazer or set off a trend that’s going to affect the rest of the country”, Balletto told the Connecticut Post.

Members of the Democratic State Central Committee have until the end of August to come up with other names to replace former Presidents Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson.

“Now more than ever, a substantive commitment to diversity, inclusion and shared prosperity are the very hallmarks of our democracy, and in particular our Connecticut Democratic Party”, the committee’s resolution added. Little by little, piece by piece, the history and traditions of the United States are being banned, or removed from places of honor, all in the name of not offending anyone.

“You can’t write all the wrongs”, he said.

In the wake of last month’s cold-blooded murders in Charleston, SC, political correctness continues to accelerate uncontrolled.

“It is a sad and short-sighted decision based upon tragic ignorance”, said Robert Turner, a law professor at the University of Virginia, which was founded by Jefferson.


No new name was adopted, but Democrats said they would accept suggestions before making their final decision in September or October, according to the Hartford Courant.

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