
Connecticut Hiker Hit By Lightning Refuses Help; Rescuers Ignore Him

But the firefighters didn’t listen to him and carried out 51-year-old Glen Rowland, of Newtown, Connecticut, on Sunday night.


Rowland told conservation officers that other hikers had offered him help several times, but he declined-until a group of Windham, New Hampshire firefighters found him around 9:30 p.m. Sunday and refused to let him keep going on his own.

New Hampshire Fish and Game personnel rescued an injured hiker in the White Mountain National Forest over the weekend.


Shortly after 10 a.m., Fish and Game officers received a report of an injured hiker on the Lincoln Brook Trail in Franconia. Bastille was transported to the Speare Memorial Hospital in Plymouth by the Campton/Thornton Ambulance for further evaluation of her injuries. When the majority of the group had reached the end of the trail and the two had not arrived, they called for help. Alexa Kovach, 34, of Lynn, Mass., was reported as having injured her ankle while hiking with a friend. After trying to slide down the remainder of the trail, Kovach called 911 for assistance and rescuers carried her to the trailhead, where she was treated by emergency medical workers. Bastille had nearly completed the Welch/Dickey Loop located in Thornton and Waterville Valley and as she was descending from Dickey Mountain she injured her lower leg.

Injured Massachusetts hiker rescued from New Hampshire trail