
Connecticut State Police, CVS unveil drug drop box program

For more information about the disposal of prescription drugs or about the April 30 Take Back Day event, go to or contact the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office at 772-462-7300.


This effort is part of the Wisconsin Department of Justice and national Drug Enforcement Administration Prescription Drug Take-Back Event. “Let’s get rid of them and dispose of them in a safe manner”. A poll recently conducted by CVS Health and Morning Consult indicated that 72% of respondents were interested in a drug take back day in their community. “Not the least of which is that about 53% of Americans that abuse prescription pain killers get them from a friend or family members for free”.

FCPS collects prescription medication all year through the use of a a kiosk in its front lobby. These resources will also connect community leaders to CVS Health’s youth drug abuse prevention program, Pharmacists Teach, which brings CVS Pharmacists to local high school health classes to educate kids about the dangers of drug abuse.

“CVS Pharmacy is dedicated to collaborating with organizations like The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and local law enforcement to prevent the abuse of unwanted and expired medication”, said Tom Davis, vice president of professional services at CVS Health.


Midlands agencies are looking to get a hold of as many prescription drugs as possible this Saturday. The Monterey County Sheriff’s Department and the Gonzales Police Department have set up areas to receive the unwanted drugs and prepare them for disposal. CVS Health has established a standing order with physicians in New Hampshire that allows CVS Pharmacy to expand access to the medication in the Granite State.

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