
Contradictory Comments on Abortion by Clinton’s VP Pick Tim Kaine Spark Confusion

Tim Kaine (D-Va.) disputed reports that he has changed his position on the Hyde amendment during an interview Friday on CNN.


But while Pence spent part of Wednesday trying, without much success, to rein in his running mate’s call for Russian Federation to hack Hillary Clinton’s email, Kaine spent it quietly turning the knife on Trump.

‘Donald Trump has a passion too – it’s himself. Clinton announced last Friday that Kaine, a sitting Senator for Virginia, would be her running-mate.

The Democratic National Convention formally nominated Virginia Sen.

The primary focus of the bus tour will be jobs and the economy, including a plan for the first 100 days of a Clinton-Kaine administration.

To be fair, Kaine (“no, no, call me Tim”) is a known harmonica shredder with his band The Jugbusters. As a potential vice president “I had to get comfortable with the notion that I can have my personal views but I’m going to support the president of the United States, and I will”.

“I just want people as we go into this election to be fair”. Today, he says he realized that “we can not discriminate against people” and he says that Clinton feels he’s a progressive, but also a “practical”.

“I wouldn’t use the term attack dog because I don’t think that’s Tim style”, said Northern Virginia Representative Gerry Connolly.

Some even drew comparison between Kaine and Vice President Joe Biden…which is when the dad comparisons pivoted to the uncle riffs – what kind of uncle would Biden be compared to Kaine? Unlike the Republicans, you know, we haven’t had the litmus test where if you don’t believe this, we’re going to throw you out.

Earlier in the day, Trump said: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”.


While Twitter gently poked fun at the vice presidential candidate, Kaine used his time onstage at the DNC to lay into Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. If you remember a couple of weeks ago, Wall Street bankers came out and told Hillary Clinton, do not pick Elizabeth Warren, we covered that a couple of weeks ago.

Democratic presidential candidate Tim Kaine tonight