
Controversy Over Leadership, Leaked Emails Surrounds Democratic National Convention

In three simple sentences, Michelle Obama took down Trump.


“We live in odd times and the only thing we can be sure of is that the unpredictable will happen”, Ceasar said.

“Make no mistake. We have made history”, Sanders told the crowd, stressing that their progress would be lost if Clinton doesn’t win. She has been a controversial figure throughout the primary campaign, as Sanders supporters complained the national party was partial toward Clinton.

While Mrs. Obama has often avoided overt politics during her almost eight years in the White House, her frustration with Trump’s rise was evident.

She says, “Don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great”.

Eleven-year-old Karla Ortiz said Monday that she’s scared most days that her parents will be deported. Wasserman Schultz was booed Monday morning at a meeting with the Florida delegation.

The revelation has outraged Bernie Sanders supporters who are popping up all over the city.

An array of office holders and celebrities hammered home the call for unity, with singer Paul Simon singing his “Bridge Over Troubled Water” as delegates linked arms and swayed to the music.

The former Secretary of State’s vice presidential running mate, Sen. “By turning neighbor against neighbor”.

RHIMES’ AD: The campaign went Hollywood slick with a five-minute film on Clinton made by “Scandal” producer Shonda Rhimes and narrated by Morgan Freeman, and it was interesting to see how the networks responded to it. CNN, NBC, MSNBC and PBS aired the film, which was shown to the convention just before Clinton spoke. He says the party wanted a successful event.

Sanders’ appeal was enough for Deborah Adams, of Cheraw, South Carolina, who served as a whip for the 14 Sanders delegates from her state’s delegation.

The next speaker faced a similar fate, with chants of “Bernie!” and “No TPP” were heard.

“Business as usual has gotten us to where we are right now, and we’re not going to take it”.

The Clinton campaign says Russian Federation favors Trump’s views, especially on North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) – Amid lingering angst over the primary process, Bernie Sanders has a chance to encourage his supporters to embrace party unity.

Trump was a frequent target throughout the night, though the jabs were often more mocking than mean.

She addressed the convention and welcomed attendees before calling the convention to order. But she stepped aside, bowing to pressure from Democrats who feared the mere sight of her on stage would prompt strong opposition from Sanders’ backers.

The outgoing chairwoman did watch the gathering from a private suite at the arena.

Wasserman Schultz, in fact, resigned, but that didn’t stop Trump from blaming Clinton.

Sanders previewed his remarks during an appearance earlier Monday before supportive delegates.

The newest CBS News poll now shows Clinton and Trump tied at 42 percent, with Trump getting a slight bump after last week’s Republican convention. He stunned the Clinton campaign with his broad support among young people and liberals, as well as his online fundraising prowess.

The controversy over some 19,000 leaked DNC emails, however, threatened to complicate those plans.

Wikileaks posted emails suggesting the DNC was favoring Clinton over Sanders during the primary season.

DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., speaks during a Florida delegation breakfast, Monday, July 25, 2016, in Philadelphia, during the first day of the Democratic National Convention.


What is even more incredible is the Democratic National Committee documents include spreadsheets and emails that appear to show party officials planning which donors and prominent fundraisers to provide with appointments to federal boards and commissions.

Sanders, delegates to meet privately amid lingering angst