
Convention Looks Unlikely to Deny Trump Nomination

But some bound delegates are refusing to vote for Trump despite their status as a bound delegate.


Carroll “Beau” Correll, a Virginia delegate to next week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, filed a federal lawsuit that demanded he be allowed to vote his conscience-and that other GOP delegates be allowed to do so, as well-because he feels Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting Donald Trump “is unfit to be president”.

“Simply put, he doesn’t represent our party, and he can’t win in November”, Hack wrote. They say they have organizers inside at least 35 state delegations who will help coordinate their drive to let the convention’s 2,472 delegates vote for whichever candidate they want.

The Republican National Convention will likely begin next Monday with furious debate. The Rule Committee meets to decide on those convention rules, and if all the delegates get unbound there may be a chance they choose another candidate. “The majority is to keep the rules the way they are”. The court did not buy what Curly Haugland was selling, and noted that his testimony has no support in the rule’s text and was contradicted by his own book, Unbound.

“At this point in time it just seems to me we are a day before the beginning of the convention rules committee, I don’t think we should be seen as a body to do anything that might abrogate the power of the convention rules committee”, said Peter Feaman, a member of the RNC rules panel from Florida.

The bound delegates who like the idea of a rule change voice different reasons behind it. Ted Cruz of Texas; and House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. “Based on old rules, I have no vote”. About one-third of delegates are considered solid Trump supporters; the preferences of many delegates are unknown.

Rachel Hoff, who declared herself the committee’s first openly gay member, offered the marriage resolution, which called for removing all the language in support of heterosexual marriage and replacing it with “respect for all families”. “What are we unwilling to do?” They’re really trying to prevent Trump from being nominated. “Possibly. Possibly not. He would come out of the Convention stronger if he won the nomination as a result of a free will vote”. But if the anti-Trump forces can’t even get 28 votes on the rules committee before the end of the week, it’s over.

Two delegates who had signed on to the effort said they did so under false pretenses.

“Nearly everyone who is not a Trump delegate is opposed to Trump”.

If she succeeds, top party and Trump campaign officials say her plan would be defeated. “Why caucuses? What’s the goal?”

“It raises a level of skepticism that the American people have from time to time about just how objective the Supreme Court is, whether they’re over there to call the balls and strikes, or weigh in on one side or another”, he said.

“Whether you supported Donald Trump along the way or not: He. Is. Our”. I wanted to know when you’re going to start advocating for him.


“By co-opting Cruz and giving him a speaking slot, the Trump campaign sucked some of the wind out of the anti-Trump sails”, said CNN delegate analyst and former Marco Rubio campaign aide Will Holley. “Of course I wouldn’t do that”.
