
Convention: Third-night ratings; O’Reilly attacks critics

It will be Clinton’s fourth time on Fox since announcing her candidacy, and her first time on Chris Wallace’s show in almost five years. And just as with our founders there are no guarantees. “We have to decide whether we will all work together so we can all rise together”. The candidate will then take the stage to formally accept the nomination – the first woman to do so for a major USA political party.


WELL-FED SLAVES: Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly tweeted Wednesday that “far left loons” had distorted his item the night before on First Lady Michelle Obama’s remark in her convention speech that she wakes up in a building built by slaves. Clinton, they said, is a master at turning a large auditorium into an intimate room.

Especially in places that for too long have been left out and left behind.

Their speeches were meant to contrast with Trump’s dark speech last week at the Republican convention in Cleveland, where he accused Clinton of a legacy of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness” and vowed to crack down on crime and illegal immigration.

If you’ve been watching the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on TV, you’ve probably seen it happen a few times already: Every few minutes, a fresh wave of brightly colored signs – bearing campaign slogans like “Stronger Together” or “Love Trumps Hate” – spreads across the convention floor like wildfire.

“I’m from Indiana”, Carson said. “I thought her speech was solid”.

She took aim at Republican nominee Donald Trump’s often-stated goal of building a wall along the border with Mexico.

“If you believe that companies should share profits, not pad executive bonuses, join us”, Clinton said.

Speeches today will focus on raising the minimum wage and gender equality.

Clinton took aim at Trump’s business record, including his entry in the casino industry in New Jersey.

“That is another bet that Donald Trump will lose”, Obama continued. “He’s just offering slogans, and he’s offering fear”.

Clinton also mocked Trump for saying he knows more about the terrorist group ISIS “than the generals”. MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace injected a reality check: It’s not exactly newsworthy when Hollywood stars turn out to support Democrats, she said. The February Democratic caucus in Nevada favored Clinton over Sanders. Clinton’s win gave her campaign momentum, coming after she had narrowly won the Iowa caucus and lost the New Hampshire primary to Sanders.

Little has been announced about the content of the speech, although it’s safe to assume that it’s the biggest one of her political career.


Very much like the Republican Party’s national nominating convention in Cleveland, and perhaps even more so, the Democrats’ event, while meant to unify, became a showcase for deep divisions and growing frustrations within the party. “So tonight, I’m here to tell you that, yes, we still have more work to do”. Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” relies on the idea of returning the its former glory and repairing its worldwide status. Check back for updates.

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