
Cookie Two Step, new Blue Bell ice cream flavor

Blue Bell Ice Cream is unveiling a new flavor on Friday and guarantees it will “have your taste buds two-steppin'”. Available in stores beginning today!


If you live in the southeastern United States and are torn between buying cookie dough or cookie-and-cream flavored ice cream, Blue Bell Creameries has solved your dilemma.

Not all commenters on its FB page were joyful about the latest offering. It’s called “Cookie Two-Step”. That’s what Brooklyn Flea had in mind with their Ice Cream Day Bonanza.

This Sunday (July 17) is National Ice Cream Day – and Scotland’s number one producer is looking to make it a special sundae.

Mighty Moo Ice Cream has over 30 homemade flavors including peanut butter explosion and cheese popcorn.

On the menu this weekend are chewy Funfetti sugar cookies filled with Blue Marble vanilla ice cream, lemon buttercream and rainbow sprinkles.

You can now find it in gold-rimmed blue tubs on sale at your neighborhood grocery store.


What do you think of the new flavor? Ice cream is as American as apple pie, and when most people find out it is a real, national holiday gladly celebrate the creamy, frozen treat.

Blue Bell Ice Cream introducing new flavor this Friday