
Corbyn could bring back Clause IV on public ownership

A former Swansea East MP has claimed the next leader of the Labour party should be a woman.


Corbyn last week said he would buy up shares in the big six energy firms to gain a controlling stake in a move to part-nationalise them.

Writing in the Independent, he tackled some of the charges levelled against him by critics of the anti-austerity message which has established him as the frontrunner in the campaign in terms of declared support, although Andy Burnham remains the bookmakers’ favourite.

Speculation was rife at Holyrood over who the mysterious scribbler could be and whether they had intended the damage to promote the campaign of left-wing Labour leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn – not exactly a natural ally of the more “New Labour-minded” Dewar.

This isn’t the only musical interference in this Labour race – Corbyn’s rival, Andy Burnham, recently took to Twitter to quote The Courteeners” “Take Over The World’.

He had joked that he didn’t want to intrude on “private grief” but the Mayor, who no-one should write off as a serious candidate for next Conservative leader, is obviously aware that turning your back on a wounded animal is a risky business.

“I’m really excited about the opportunity to discuss it and move forward”.

The Bexhill Observer – always the first with your local news.

But if, like me, you are trying to make sense of the whirlwind, don’t forget how punishing the election result was for Labour.

“Under my premiership, we in the next Labour government will be committed to making these dreams of a fairer start in life for all young adults become reality”.

Ignoring for the moment any Labour/Tory swing, for 2020 the recipients of those LibDem defectors (mainly the Tories in Croydon South, Labour in Croydon North, both in Croydon Central) will be hoping to hang on to them. This week he won praise from the most unlikely of admirers, Boris Johnson.

She added: “We can’t forget the Tories had 24% of the vote (of those who were eligible)”.

Using my Croydon model, let’s look at the numbers to estimate which is the most important.

“Although the Labour party had the right intentions when it sought to give more people a say in the election, we must ensure that robust procedures go with it to weed out those seeking to vote for all the wrong reasons”. The chances of that not being exposed over nearly five years as leader of the opposition are not worth bothering with.

There are seven metropolitan authorities signed up to it, ranging from the four Black Country councils through to Solihull, Coventry and big Brum.

The Sunday Telegraph quoted the donors as saying victory for Mr Corbyn would be “disastrous” and could lead to Labour being locked out of power for decades.


Speaking to ELL about the recent surge of support in Croydon, Jeremy said: “Croydon has a wonderful tradition of trade unionism and people were feeling very dispirited and deflated, so we’ve managed to light a candle and the candle is burning very brightly”.

Jeremy Corbyn accused of wanting to bring back nationalisation