
Corbyn Victory Unlikely To Split Labour Party

Jeremy Corbyn will be in Brighton today at a Labour leadership rally.


“We may be in a situation where Jeremy Corbyn appeals more to the large body of people who have joined the Labour Party recently, but Owen Smith would appeal more to the country at large”.

“Many residents are making it clear that while they continue to support Reading’s Labour council they want to see strong leadership at national level”.

It’s true that the the institute also called for a reinstated Ministry of Labour, although they didn’t say that this new department should replace the DWP.

Mr Corbyn is therefore betraying his party, the
country and Labour voters and he must know that his principles are worthless if he selfishly destroys his own party in pursuit of them and any chance therefore of power.

Corbyn is fighting a leadership challenge from his former work and pensions spokesman, Owen Smith. When our party is teetering on the edge of political irrelevance, we all have a duty to act quickly to show that we are a government in waiting.

Corbyn seeks, at all costs, to tie the working class to the Labour Party, which, regardless of who is its current leader, is a pro-capitalist and pro-war party.

Mr Corbyn said the Conservatives should scrap the reductions in corporation tax and capital gains tax announced in the last Budget in order to safeguard Personal Independence Payments for the disabled.

Blanchflower has made a decision to publicly back Smith, saying Corbyn was “absolutely, completely unelectable”.

However, these plans depend above all on the fact that Corbyn, his main ally Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and their supporters, have done nothing to seriously challenge the right wing.

Mr Smith initially refused to apologise for his comments regarding Mrs May, but was forced to do so after the controversy mounted.

However, he accepted he was a much different Labour leader to those who had gone before him, including Tony Blair.

“He’s good to speak to a crowd of people – well done Jeremy – but what people need to see in the Labour Party are hustings involving the two candidates”.

He said: “First and foremost this is a process within the Labour party”.

A public meeting in South Tyneside to defend Jeremy Corbyn has got the backing of the Labour leader himself to the delight of organisers. From my point of view we have got to fight hard for Labour.

“I feel horrified that we are such a low ebb, horrified that we are where we are, that this party could be split”, he told a rally in London last month. “This simply can’t be achieved without fairness in the workplace and to make this a reality we need nothing short of a revolution in workers’ rights”.

Thanking the union for its support, Mr Corbyn said it was “time to end rip-off Britain”.


She added: “It would be a mistake for the party establishment on both sides of the Atlantic to dismiss this insurgency, and think that things can return to how they were”.

L to R Ronnie Peterson, Jeremy Corbyn and John Watson