
Corker raises more questions about Iran nuclear deal

The White House has again warned that if the Republican controlled Congress kills the historic nuclear deal with Iran, it would be impossible to assemble an global coalition, including India, to back sanctions against Tehran.


“They start getting squishy because they’re feeling the political heat”, Obama said of members of Congress he has met with in recent weeks. Obama, who delivers a speech on the deal on Wednesday at American University, also hosted a reception for about 100 House Democrats at the White House. Cabinet and other administration officials have spoken with more than 175 lawmakers.

“During this time, weapons inspectors at the worldwide Atomic Energy Agency will be verifying that Iran is following through with what it has pledged to do under this deal”.

While I am sure not all Iranians want death to America, it is clear that its leaders still do. “I can expand”. Audibert tweeted that he “never said or suggested that a no vote from Congress … might be helpful or lead to a better deal”, and has not responded to requests for an interview.

Carter said there is a possibility that the nuclear agreement will move forward, but will not be “successfully implemented”.

He has infuriated the White House by actively opposing what Obama sees as a way to avoid a military conflagration with Iran and a signature foreign policy achievement of his presidency.

Four Democratic representatives voiced their help for the deal on Thursday, together with Senate candidate Chris Van Hollen and Dan Kildee, who represents the district of Amir Hekmati, who’s being held in Iran.

Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva said the administration’s robust selling of the deal strengthens the Democratic stance on Capitol Hill.

“We appreciate President Obama’s effort to secure the most intrusive inspections in history”, Royce said.

The famous names, including veteran diplomat and former U.S. U.N. Ambassador Thomas Pickering, say the deal negotiated between the United States, other world powers and Iran is the best option available.

The lengthy August recess will be a test, with multimillion-dollar ad campaigns and heavy lobbying by both sides, including the pro-Israel lobby, American Israel Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC is also sponsoring trips to Israel next month for some members of Congress. Despite all that, Meng said she feels confident in her decision. Iran has threatened to destroy Israel, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected the agreement. Sander Levin of Michigan and Jan Schakowsky of Illinois, and Sen.


Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., said: “I’m leaning yes”. “But that being said, what pathway do we have?” Secretary of State John Kerry has said there are no side agreements relevant to the accord. If they pass a resolution of disapproval – the likely outcome in the Republican-controlled House and Senate – Obama can veto it. Administration officials are counting on Democrats to sustain a veto, which would stand unless two-thirds of Congress voted to override it. “You guys have to get more active and loud and involved and informed”.

McCain says Iran deal increases risk of Middle East conflict