
Corker says Trump went ‘far too far’ in Obama, ISIS statements

At a rally Wednesday, Trump said that Obama “is the founder of ISIS”, using one acronym for the jihadist group, and said they were “honoring” the president.


But on Thursday, Trump doubled down on the freaky, factually inaccurate claim.

Officials for both the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee said the session is the type of typical meeting that takes place in the middle of a presidential campaign with three months to go until the November 8 election. “ISIS didn’t exist before the Obama presidency”, she said.

Others said his use of the president’s full name called to mind his long and twisting effort to try and prove Mr Obama was not a USA citizen and that he was in truth a Muslim who was born in either Kenya or Indonesia. But he then added, “Therefore, he was the founder if ISIS”. Let [his statement] be inflammatory.

Donald Trump once again pushed the latest Hillary Clinton email story to the back of the internet as he rewrote history.

Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, attacked the “ratings challenged” CNN in an early morning tweet, saying it took his comments “so seriously”. Democrat Hillary Clinton’s lead over Trump in national polls has widened in recent days, while a growing number of fellow Republicans have declared they won’t support their own party’s nominee.

“No. I meant he’s the founder of ISIS…” “I do. He was the most valuable player”.

Maybe Donald Trump doesn’t know what sarcasm means.

After his interview with Hewitt, Trump also repeated the comments at campaign events on Thursday.

In recent national polling, Clinton leads head-to-head match-ups against Trump, with the Democrat holding 47.5 percent support compared to 41.2 for the NY businessman, according to averages compiled by RealClear Politics. Asked specifically about USA citizens, Trump told the Miami Herald that he didn’t like that Obama and others wanted to try them in traditional courts.

“I just do not think insults and bullying is how we are to get things done”, Clinton said as she laid out her economic plan Thursday in Warren, Michigan. They created the Libyan vacuum, they created the vacuum into which ISIS came, but they didn’t create ISIS. Trump said that, no, he really meant that Obama had founded the Islamic State and that Trump had to “disagree” when Hewitt said that wasn’t the case.

On Friday morning, at long last, Trump explained his rationale.

And when asked if Trump’s comment was “factually incorrect”, Pence simply said that Trump is not concerned with being politically correct.


In this case, Trump saying he was being sarcastic means that he was. mocking the idea that Obama had a role in fostering the Islamic State?

Protesters gather outside Clinton event in Des Moines