
Cornyn presses Lynch for answers on Clinton Foundation investigation reports

In 2009, a Lebanese billionaire who donated millions to the Clinton Foundation contacted went through a Clinton Foundation employee to contact the State Department for a face-to-face meeting with the US ambassador to Lebanon.


The next morning, at the offices of a NY based executive search firm, Mills would interview two high-level business executives.

As to the first response, the access occurred under her watch and surely the Clinton aides were not granting this access out of the blue.

Several of Clinton’s State Department aides, including Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, Deputy Chiefs of Staff Huma Abedin and Jacob Sullivan and Deputy Assistant Secretary Philippe Reines, turned over their emails previous year at the department’s request.

“The Department can confirm that the trip in question was for personal travel and was not paid for with government funds”.

Craig Holman, a lobbyist with the group Public Citizen, tells Politico, “The Clinton Foundation was taking money from anybody who would give it, and the biggest contributions were from people who had business before the State Department”.

But Mark Corallo, a Washington-based spokesman for Chagoury, said in a statement Wednesday that Chagoury had been seeking to contact someone in the State Department to provide his insight into the coming elections that June in 2009 in Lebanon, where he has deep ties and experience. “The idea that this poses a conflict of interest is absurd”. As The New York Post notes, the board “provides advice. on all arms control, and its members are national security experts with scientific, military, diplomatic and political backgrounds, according to its website”. Grassley sent Secretary of State John Kerry a letter in January asking the objective of Mills’ trip.

“It violates the commitment Secretary Clinton made to Congress and the Executive Branch following her nomination to be Secretary of State”.

Democrats believe Trump’s returns could be treasure trove of politically damaging information.

Sen. John Cornyn formally asked the Justice Department to explain why it did not accept the recommendation of the FBI to investigate the Clinton Foundation. I mean, this is what top aides do.

In another 2009 email, Band asks Abedin and Mills to help a top Clinton Foundation donor, Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire Gilbert Chagoury.

“Federal employees are permitted to engage in outside personal activities, within the scope of the federal ethics rules”.

It’s easy to understand why Mills was trusted with helping find the next director of the Clinton Foundation. Mills had responded “thanks” in her email back to Brock.

But the former president, addressing a gathering of the Asian American Journalists Association here at the Caesar’s Palace hotel, wouldn’t budge, insisting over the music that he wanted to take one more question.


The prolonged investigations into her use of a private email server while at the State Department has fuelled public distrust of her and plagued her presidential bid.

They saw two little notes with a'C on it ¿ this is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard ¿ that were about telephone calls that she needed to make' Bill Clinton said of his wife on Friday in Las Vegas