
Coroner: Bottle held by Ohio motorist before officer shot him contained

Tensing is now facing a murder charge for that incident. The officer asks to see a bottle lying on the floor of the passenger side seat, and DuBose hands him an unopened bottle labeled “gin”. His attorney says he thought he was going to be dragged under DuBose’s vehicle.


Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley praised the indictment of Officer Tensing and compared it to cases in other cities where grand juries chose not to indict police officers. Our hearts grieve for his loss. FOX19 reports that the number of black people who encountered UCPD officers “quadrupled from 633 in all of 2013 to 2,354 from January 1, 2015 to July 27, 2015”. “No matter the circumstances, it is a time of unimaginable sadness for all involved”.

Establishing and coordinating a UC Community Advisory Group modeled after city reform efforts resulting from the Collaborative Agreement.

Cincinnati was struck by days of violent unrest following the police shooting of an unarmed black man in 2001.

Similarly, Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell absurdly stated that the university police force does not have the “same philosophy of fairness and cultural competency” displayed by the Cincinnati police. The final version of the law likely would have allowed that video’s release but remains too restrictive and will create more suspicion about police actions in situations where the videos will not be public records.

The varsity’s campus police had voluntarily halted such patrols after the July 19 capturing of 43-year-old Samuel DuBose.

– UC Police will focus its patrols within campus boundaries.

Cardillo said that traffic stops can turn very unsafe, very fast for cops: “A: There’s no such thing as a routine stop”.

– In addition, the university and UC Police will review its MOU (memorandum of understanding) with the Cincinnati Police Department.

As such, the University of Cincinnati announced on Tuesday that the position, aimed at heightening safety and reforming on-campus policing will be occupied by Robin Engel, researcher with the University and criminal justice professor. “We will leave no stone unturned and wherever the facts take us, we will make changes as warranted”. “The university’s relationship with the city remains strong, and we will continue to work together”.


City officials pressed for calm and said they were prepared “for any scenarios that present themselves”.

Mark O'Mara