
Cosby detailed his womanizing, secrecy efforts one decade ago

In other details from the deposition, Cosby referred to his conquests as “rendezvous” that occurred in locations like Denver, New York, Las Vegas and Pennsylvania. CNN has not been able to obtain Constand’s deposition. Though he said he never took the Quaaludes, he kept them around “just in case”.


After being asked by the plaintiff’s lawyer if he will try to remember not to give nonverbal responses, the transcript says: (Witness gestures.).

Troiani: Is there sexual contact associated with the rendezvous?

A few weeks ago, the Associated Press reported on a 2005 deposition in which Bill Cosby admitted to procuring drugs in order to have sex with multiple women-an admission in line with dozens of rape and sexual-assault allegations against Cosby over the years. In the new deposition information, he admitted to obtaining seven prescriptions for Quaaludes from a Los Angeles doctor, citing a bad back, in the 1970s.

In the deposition, which runs to almost 1,000 pages, Cosby never acknowledges that he did anything wrong.

If Cosby lied under oath in his jurisdiction, Castor said, “I would arrest him….” And I’m talking to her …And I talked to her about relaxing, being strong. “I give her Quaaludes. Do you believe that is correct?”

“That’s her statement”, he said.

The question now is: What else might he have done that we did not know? “Nineteen seventy what?”

Constand maintains she was not seeking money from Cosby, but the actor said his wife, whom he married in 1964, would have likely thought support he provided her was for her education. The comedian, 77, was interviewed in 2005 by a lawyer acting for alleged victim Andrea Constand. She said she later woke up to find her bra undone and her clothes in disarray. She declined to be interviewed, but Richard Kurin, the Smithsonian’s undersecretary for art, history and culture, who shared in the decision-making process, said, “It’s not the Smithsonian’s job or any cultural institution’s to deal with his behavior”.

After Mr Cosby intiated what he called a mentoring relationship, Ms Constand says he then gave her a powerful drug and molested her. Cosby was aware that the drug was used as a sedative and was popular in the party circle, though, he admittedly denied having one himself.

At several points in the deposition, the Times reported, Cosby unveils the elaborate ways in which he attempted to hide his affairs from his wife, Camille.

She later asked him: “What do you think about?” to which he replied, “Am I allowed to think?” And so I continue and I go into the area that is somewhere between permission and rejection. “I am not stopped”.

The newspaper characterized Cosby as standoffish throughout the questioning, with him reportedly sparring with the attorney when pressed about why an employee quit working for him.

The case was settled for an undisclosed sum of money.

Cosby “comes across as alternately annoyed, mocking, occasionally charming and sometimes boastful, often blithely describing sexual encounters in graphic detail”, the New York Times reveals. Cosby discusses his seduction strategy, which involved asking Ferrier about her father’s battle with cancer. What the deposition clearly shows, however, is that he is a user of women for sexual gratification and was willing to, if not actual committing, acts of non-consensual sex which would constitute rape according to most definition.


But she said she was disgusted by Cosby’s claim in the documents that sex was consensual. I was wrong. It HURTS!!! He said he used quaaludes “the same as a person would say, ‘Have a drink.'”.

Cosby paid women after sex, tried to hide payments from wife | The Merced Sun